Indoor Jaqen H'Ghar does West Coast OG in Autopots - Fuelled by Biotabs

Day 16:

Lights off pics of both girls. Looking nice and healthy green on the Biotabs. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] fan leaves have now gone over the sides of the pot, waiting on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] then will turn the res on with plain water. I should also note that we have been feeding a lot of water, after beginning the grow with underwatering, we seemed to reach a happy place at roughly 1-2L every 1-2 days (mostly every day though). We would water with plain filtered tap water with Guard’n’aid root additive until water just started seeping out the bottom. It should also be noted that before watering [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] I would wet the bottom of her pot by pouring a little water in the autopot tray and waiting for the pot to soak it up in to the fabric, this would generally be like 300-500ml and is the only difference between the 2 plants treatment and seems to have made [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] roots hit the bottom quicker had lots of roots popping out the sides of the pot at least 5 days before [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG].

Day 21:

So I was shocked to notice that both plants had started to show what looked like cal & mag deficiencies in their undergrowth. My theory is that at this point I had been putting my tap water through a filter & I think it's been stripped off all its hard goodness, not too worried if that is the case as now they’re on the res the tap water will no longer go through a filter so we will see.

Made some makeshift “scrog” type things out of an old set of greenhouse shelves, I wanted to be able to move the plants around and this is what I came up with, didn’t want to spend any money given I’ll be upgrading my setup soon anyway.


Haven’t done any training up to now which I regret but was too busy and the plants have started branching well on their own anyway. Leaf stripping is a constant force in Jaqen’s garden, I do it small and frequent, just thought I should mention that as I generally will not specify as a step, here’s a picture of a beautiful fan leaf that’ll get dried & flattened to make cannagars with the finished product.

The title of the thread sound awfully familiar, eh :smoking:?

Any new updates dude? The plants been doing great so far it seems :thumbsup:.
So at the time I had begun this thread, went through some mad stuff and long story short, the grow came down before it could be concluded.

Just over 4 years later and I have just begun again in a new setup. New journal on the way