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Looks good to me...great job!:slap: I love growing weed but dang do I hate trimming the stuff!

Damn right, trimming sucks! :D
Very interesting, I will have to grow out a couple of cbd strains and do some experimenting with different kinds of dosages of thc and cbd. Have you tried a 1:1?
Yes I have a couple of 1:1 chocolates. They work well at moderate doses that I still feel safe to drive with. If I have a really bad day with pain the high THC works fastest and the CBD works longest.
No thanks buddy....I would go insane trimming that!! The only downsides of growing bigger plants is more to trim in one session....I struggled with a couple of plants that were just over 5 zips each.

OH yeah bud, trimming is a ton of work!!
I chopped and dried 3 small/medium sized autos whole and gave dry trimming a the time I had trimmed 2 I was so over it the third got a very brief rough trim and went into hash, I've never attempted it again!:nono: I would never be able to dry trim one of your monsters, I have the attention span of a goldfish sometimes
Oh don't even get me started on the dry trim!! Trimming a plant like one of those dry is absolutely torture!!
My grow style dictates 6 plants at one time pretty much on the same schedule. So my trimming work is grueling over 3 or 4 days.

Kinda quiet tonight so I will turn in early. Good night all.
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