Good mornin' AFN! Finally back after losing both cable and internet in a spectacular fire involving some component in the main lines hanging across the street! There was a white hot ball of flame around the cable with flaming gobs of burning plastic falling down all over the place, Luckily, it has been raining heavily the last couple of days here so no secondary fires were started. I 911ed the fire department......they came and pretty much watched it burn since there isn't a whole lot you can do to put out an actively burning electrical fire....but at least they were there to keep it from spreading. By the time the cable company and the power company came and spent several hours up on the pole rewiring everything, I finally got cable and internet back early evening yesterday. Biggest excitement we've had around here for many folks watching that I thought someone would show up to sell popcorn! I'm now reading back some to catch up on what I missed!