Indoor Jackal's Auto Farm

Man those purple buds are just beautiful !:bow: Plants too ! Damn fine lookin grow:smoke:

STUNNING...Absolutely Cracking density...Well Grown Jackal...:clap: :clap: :clap:

Deep Chunk just adds a whole new Med dimension..I Wish I could be in Tom Hills head to see How he made her..
He put some fantastic stuff in..:kiss:
Thanks for all the cool comments, likes, and rep guys. This grow has been pretty fun grow, first purps grow, first DWC grow. I'm hooked on that by the way, I think I'm gonna slowly convert over to hydro. I know I wanna grow DD out in DWC, that would be pretty sweet.

@Muddy Oh yeah I gotta put some of this in my stash, I think you would like the stone.
@Mossy Thanks! DD is helping my anxiety a lot, she is great med strain, I picked mine late so it's good and stoney.
@WVR I have a feeling you have something special with what I've seen so far! Green karma sent brother.
Nice one! I love those pots. Look at those buds! Thats a great soil grow!

I was gonna like your comments jackal, but your thread has exactly 420 likes, and i thought that was pretty cool :)
haha lets see if anyone can restrain from liking anything for a while..i bet it lasts less then an hour..its such a habit to just go for it when you thinks someone makes a cool comment!
Haha, that's cool, I never even noticed that until you spotted it.
What's up family? I guess I have been slacking on getting a journal up, so thought it was getting about that time to do so. I have some Onyx, Auto Assassin, RRF, and some Duurty Dragons going at the moment. I'm also doing my 1st DWC grow, which I'm loving so far.

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Here is my 2 DWC Onyx today is 5 weeks on them, the shortest is 18" and the tallest @ 19" mutiple bud sites, very branchy plants. They have been putting on about 2" of growth everyday. I have them on full strength Sensi Grow, when they stop growing taller,they will get their first feeding of Sensi Bloom.
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Jackel my friend it is time to buy some stock in yourself:)