New Grower Jack Herer Auto Small Setup

Or just raise it a little.
İt's 32C up there but ill find a way to cool them down what about changing light to bloom is it early?

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:yeahthat: raising the light just a bit can be a quick easy fix :thumbsup: cheers Rollin.
the plant is looking plenty dark green,and has nice whisps of thinking is she is into flower mode.dont need near as much N now and if you dave a dual or flower spectrum light now is the time to use it.
using AN nutes,and they a big enough name we must have some nute schedules/guides in here surely.
I'm growing autos,this is pics from day 20,a few days ago,only using cfls also ,fox farm soil and no nutes,I keep my light close to plants,and the last 2 pics is from today, just took it day buying more cfls so I have light for the bottom of the plant and imma use my multi lamp for the top and use these single lamps for the bottom
İt's 32C up there but ill find a way to cool them down what about changing light to bloom is it early?

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Here we are at day 73 and im waiting my 2700k cfl for 25 days and it's still doesn't shiped and im out of money. So for 15 days im taking her to sunlight its sunny 12 hours a day. Make some comments please i really dont know what to do now.




Just do your best, if you can do 10 to 12 hours sunlight and the rest under your CFL, she will be fine. If it were me, I would just leave under CFL but I'm lazy lol. It will still flower either way.

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you in a sunny part of the world,im sure plant is loving all the fresh air and 12 hours big sun :smoking:
Thanks guys is she could stress because of light schedule i Found 5 23W CFL they are 2700K and 1500 lumens each im planing to ise them what you think

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I got decent yield by mixing 2700k CFL with 5500k CFL. Not massive but decent just got to get them close to the buds and then I turned my plants 1/4 turn each day to even out.

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So il change light Schedule 12 then 15-18 then raise to 20 in four days thanks mate ill write again soon
İt's time for big question what do you think should i harvest it or wait a little