Harvest & Curing its harvest time finally

Little you have a remarkable green thumb bro. Happy curing bro. Much respect to you.

One love:dance:
Can't rep ya anymore. Much love though
20 % amber on most

LT.......it looks like the "Trichs" are purple to !!........can you see amber over purple !!............Durty Dragon..........wow...........sure is tempting...........nice work afn friend..........good job............this is the one entered in October comp yea?/........hopya wins Lt if it is !..AB.

Littlets Durty Dragon 10 2012.jpg
To all Administrators I would like to make a motion to Change the monthly competition from Bud of the month(BOM) to
(POM) Pan of the month

And the First nomination is littleT's Pan of Purps

Cant rep ya till I spread the love Bro but I'll be back...What a gift for grow'n you have...Amazing

Another round of stunners, littleT! :dancer::dancer::dancer:

That drying room must smell sooooooooooooo good!

+rep bro :thumbs:
(POM) Pan of the month
we call it BOM but it's actually POM (Picture of the Month) so... its about a half a click from what you want.. :toke:

and that is some spectacular color... When you havin me over for a big jay?

on our first anual AFN day!!!!!hope its soon---i will do a cheech and chong 10 paper joint!!!alittle of this and alittle of that in it!!!!