the biggest risk of eth/iso hash is the boiling off...all that flamable vapor in the air.iso has a lower boiling/flash/evap point and will make more vapor and a lower temp,with a bigger bang.if.
as eth is half as poisionous as iso.or iso is twice as poisonous as eth.its fairly safe aslong as you be sensible.has the same kinda warnings as a can of petrol/tin of lighter fluid/tube of glue/can of sensinble,take neccasary precautions.glasses/gloves/steel toecaps/mum on speeddial in the corner of the garden,nice breeze,no electrical equipement,no arsehole sneaking up on you with a joint hanging out ther gob and a lighter at the ready.
would i recommend iso for edibles ? no not really.only because there are tastier (damp dog) better/safer/cheaper/easier ways to extract or melt/suspend it in other stuff.
QWISO quick wash iso (hash) is there a silent hash on the end ? or just me ? anytime ive made qwiso hash its been just that.(a hash not a honey or an oil ) it was washed/filtered real quick to end up with more of a.....dry sift/bubble hash.blob placed on a cup warmer for hours,then left to air dry till it was like an old fashioned hard,solid lump of hash.
but back to title of thread iso efficency ?
extracting thc polar,non polar and semi polar...its like how magnatized thc is to say water/iso/butter
99.9% iso is better at extracting thc than 70% iso
i have a book with chart s of whats polar/non and semi...and a list of lots o chemicals/fats/sugars etc and how effictive they are at removing/disolving thc from the plant or gland.
off the top of me head using butters/sugars/fats/eth etc. of less than 70% is verging on yer wasting yer time v effort v material v yields.
iso is more efficive than eth on the have a dig around and see if i can come up with a picture.
good luck n keep er lit