New Grower Is this tobacco mosaic virus (tmv) ?


Son of the Sun.
Apr 28, 2012
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Hi all! I've been having leaves turn brown and die at an alarming rate. It starts as small spots and ends like this:

At first I thought it was nute burn or lockout, but I'm growing in dwc and my ph has always been on point. I've changed the res 3 times now, lowering nutes each time and the problem continues. I've removed the first two (oldest) sets of leaves, as they were more than 50% dead. Any input would be appreciated. I know there is no cure for TMV, but has anyone finished out a grow with an infected plant?

On a related note, google "classical biological control of narcotic plants."

Thanks in advance for any help/information!
is fairly rare, but not unheard of. I have had a couple of plants that had it, and it is a bitch to get rid of. But it looks more like over watering, or a deficiency of one sort or another. What nutes are you using? What is the PH of your runoff? What stage of growth is your plant in? Without this information, it will be hard to help you out. While TMV is rare, it does look a bit like that, but unless you roll your own tobacco, smoke cigars, or tobacco, before or during the handling of your plants, your chances are almost non-existent.

I posted this on the other thread you created so here's the copies...:

I've had plants do this but it was due to over watering... It seem some phenos of some strains are very susceptible. This can also be caused by phosphorus deficiency...

What is the feeding schedule? (PPM etc.) Also what strain and how high is the water level in the buckets relative to the roots? Halfway up? Full? Also do you have enough oxygen getting to the roots via your pump and stones?
I posted this on the other thread you created so here's the copies...:

I've had plants do this but it was due to over watering... It seem some phenos of some strains are very susceptible. This can also be caused by phosphorus deficiency...

What is the feeding schedule? (PPM etc.) Also what strain and how high is the water level in the buckets relative to the roots? Halfway up? Full? Also do you have enough oxygen getting to the roots via your pump and stones?

@surffreak thanks for posting on both threads. you have no idea the *sigh* of relief i let out after reading your reply. it most absolutely could be overwatering, so i'm hoping that's what it is. i keep my water level so that the netpot is submerged as much as one inch. i was using two 20-60 gallon pumps with 4 stones, but the roots started to get tangled in the base of the net pot from too much motion in the water. now it is only running one pump and two airstones. ph has remained around 5.8-5.9, with a low of 5.1 and high of 6.1. she started showing signs of this problem at 570ppm (floranova grow, silica, calmag, superthrive, kelp extract). she is a dutch passion think different.

@homiehogleg i've read through some of your posts about tmv before posting, but probably missed some. did you finish any grows with tmv? i do smoke cigarettes but try to regularly wash my hands, especially before entering the grow space. i don't roll my own, but do flick the cherry off and pocket the butt so i do come in contact with tobacco then. the plant is around 21 days 'from seed.'

thanks guys! so, where should the water level actually be?
Should be good on the phosphorus according to your feeding and PPM, and good PH range (around 5.8 is optimal for most hydro setups)...

The net pot doesn't need to be submerged at all at this point, the water level should be just touching the bottom of the net pot or even a half inch below (with enough aeration and bubbles); if you get enough air flowing and lower the level a bit you might see a change (if it is over watering) depending on how far gone it is...

May I suggest asking Spelsylver about DWC, it is not my method but she has pulled some nice DWC grows, check the link below

This was her first posted grow and it went great, you might consider PMing her with specific questions relating to DWC...
Should be good on the phosphorus according to your feeding and PPM, and good PH range (around 5.8 is optimal for most hydro setups)...

The net pot doesn't need to be submerged at all, the water level should be just touching the bottom of the net pot or even a half inch below (with enough aeration and bubbles); if you get enough air flowing and lower the level a bit you might see a change (if it is over watering) depending on how far gone it is...

Thanks! I'll let you know if that was the culprit!
thank you guys for the help, wish i had come to you sooner!! she's looking better already!

thank you!

@homiehogleg i've read through some of your posts about tmv before posting, but probably missed some. did you finish any grows with tmv? i do smoke cigarettes but try to regularly wash my hands, especially before entering the grow space. i don't roll my own, but do flick the cherry off and pocket the butt so i do come in contact with tobacco then. the plant is around 21 days 'from seed.'

thanks guys! so, where should the water level actually be?

I do the same thing, on the field stripping my smokes, and pocketing the butts. That is how my plants got the TMV, in the first place. My plants, with TMV, were tossed before completion. I had contacted one plant, and it started spreading to my whole room. It was my first grow, and I had to scrap the grow, bleach my room, and start over from scratch.

I believe the others have given your proper info, for your problem. I only play in the dirt, so I would be no help with DWC. But the folks helping you know their stuff.

Have a great Memorial Day
