Harvest & Curing is this ready for chop? JAMAICAN BERRY SUPER AUTO

Not sure why you`re having those probs mate. I`d cut the feed and and go plain water(maybe add a drop of molasses ;) ). I`ve just received some CBD seeds Yumbolt(photo) from a pal and the buds are very small compared to other indica/kushy stuff(stinks though! :smoking:) I don`t know your strain, so it`s hard to offer advice tbh...sorry. :pass:
Hi @happyjoy

I understand why this plant is confusing you so much, sometimes some strains just wont go amber although this isn't a usual occurrence but it can happen.
So really now its down to personal preference, to be honest in my own opinion i would wait till all the pistils have turned amber at least before chopping.
I can see from you pictures that quite a few are still white so id wait till their amber and then give a week of plain water and after that and they are done.
Dont worry about loosing potency this shouldn't really happen unless the plant actually dies. Hope this helps you decide.
Ohhh man that looks ready just plain water and harvest.. good luck it looks like some really good smoke
All autos I have
grown never where done at the days they say lol all have gone two weeks passed there do date that plant looks good but needs more time