Harvest & Curing is this ready for chop? JAMAICAN BERRY SUPER AUTO

If i were you,i woud start to give them nutes again for next 2 weeks,and after then just water.By that time,and that is 3 weeks you can harvest.You can harvest now but bealive me that she can give you much much more.;)
follow a-trains advice its the best in the thread. two weeks on water only.:pighug:will swell her up:2cents::cheers:
follow a-trains advice its the best in the thread. two weeks on water only.:pighug:will swell her up:2cents::cheers:

hey there,
thnks for the good advice.
however im not sure this is the beest advice while using BIOBIZZ nutes. like i wrote previously, it doesnt cause salt buildup in the soil, and only needs 1 week of just water, in order to properly flush.

ive had a different grow in the past, where i miscalculated flush time, and ended up giving just water for around 2.5 weeks. the plant looked terrible by the time i picked her, and she still didnt finish (even though she should have been ready according to timing), because she just didnt have enough nutes to continue growing properly after so long of just water.

however, im still a noob and open to all advice. i just wanted to make that above point clear, to see if you still think this is what i should do?

personally it seemed best to me to go back to giving nutes for another week or two, and then do a week of watering with just water....

what dyou say?
ah. would you say its more important finishing an auto with a longer water flush to eat the nutes out of the leaves, than with a photo strain?
the reason im asking, is because biobizz is pretty knowledgable about the advice they give, however when it comes to autos, they dont give specific advice since they told me they dont yet have adequate experience with autos and they dont want to give the wrong info.

if i do indeed give just water for two weeks. thats meaning, just one more week from today... or should i maybe give nutes for a week, and then just water for two weeks...?
ah. would you say its more important finishing an auto with a longer water flush to eat the nutes out of the leaves, than with a photo strain?
the reason im asking, is because biobizz is pretty knowledgable about the advice they give, however when it comes to autos, they dont give specific advice since they told me they dont yet have adequate experience with autos and they dont want to give the wrong info.

if i do indeed give just water for two weeks. thats meaning, just one more week from today... or should i maybe give nutes for a week, and then just water for two weeks...?
It wouldn't hurt to give her another week of feeding and then a flush as she looks like she might take a little while to reach the point of maturity that you desire. How are things now? @happyjoy
Hey there everyone,
I must say that im extremely confused now
I have a deep feeling that it might be ready, even though most people here said it needs a few more weeks
The reasons are;

1) around 90% of the hairs have shriveled and become orange
2) shes over a week past breeders latest estimated time (which i was told are accurate with stichs plants
3) overall history, she had small flowers for several weeks of flower, and then in the last month the flowers (im not talking about plant height) trippled and quadrupled in width.
All this happened before i started this post
Since then, she hasnt changed at all in size
4)shes starting to get nanners suddenly (which she hasnt this whole grow) which can be a sign of going too long.
5) something really wierd is happening. On the tops of each bud, the tiny closed leaves kind of form a ball which almostnlooks like a swollen calyx, and some of thrm are closed, some are opening, and their full and bursting with little pistils. It seems like shes confused or something

those of u that said to wait 2-3 more weeks and that she would swell up, were u thinking that she didnt yet go throught swell ip stage? Is itnpossible that thats already what happened a month ago? And now shes not growing anymore

The only reason i would think shes not ready is
1) the triches for some reason are not getting any cloudier
Theyre about 70 cloudy, 30 clear and just don't seem to be progressing at all. Definately no sign of amber
Its so wierd. in the same room, i have a few other photo plants, which still have another month to go, are theyre already more % cloudy than the jamaican berry. And Even their cloudy triches themselevss are much more solid cloudy than the cloudy ones of the jamaican berry

So the triches seems to be mainly throkwing me off right nowim acriad that the longer i wait, perhaps the buds are losing their potency and effect
It happened to me once with a different plant. I waited so much for the triches to be ready, that i didnt notice that the overall status of the plant was getting worse and worse. Untill by the time i chopped her, all her triches were shrivled and without tops on them and they never went amber either

what to do???!

heres current updated pics. i was having some issues with the lighting of the room when taking pics so they didnt come out very good, but i hope its enough to get the point
dont be confused by
1)the fact that theres alot of leaves
because i messed up alot in the grow, and didnt have sufficient light for most of the begining, so i think that may have caused this leafy messup
2) the green in the leaves.
all my past plants i grew with biobizz nutes, the leaves dont really go yellow at the end.
since the nutes are organic, theres no flush. i just water with plain water for the last week. so they dont really get a chance to yellow out....i havent had any problems with nute tasting buds ;)
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