Is this overwatered or underwatered?I need help:(

I'm still thinking it's a watering issue. I'm pretty sure it it were your lights being to close that's your top leaves would be drying out or showing signs of burn. Took a pic of my chemdog autos to show you a comparison. These plants only ask for water every 4-5 days . They are in fabric pots wich means more air flow in the root system. Just some food for thought. Not quite as bushy as yours. Buts it's just for a visual of size and water comsumption


  • 20190528_063821.jpg
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I'm still thinking it's a watering issue. I'm pretty sure it it were your lights being to close that's your top leaves would be drying out or showing signs of burn. Took a pic of my chemdog autos to show you a comparison. These plants only ask for water every 4-5 days . They are in fabric pots wich means more air flow in the root system. Just some food for thought. Not quite as bushy as yours. Buts it's just for a visual of size and water comsumption
Are they in coco?
I'm still thinking it's a watering issue. I'm pretty sure it it were your lights being to close that's your top leaves would be drying out or showing signs of burn. Took a pic of my chemdog autos to show you a comparison. These plants only ask for water every 4-5 days . They are in fabric pots wich means more air flow in the root system. Just some food for thought. Not quite as bushy as yours. Buts it's just for a visual of size and water comsumption
So yesterday I defoliated, and moved my light way up. This morning I came in to check on her and she is already looking better! Her leaves are starting to stand up more little by little and she is also more of a healthy green than I have seen on her ever. The main stalk fan leaves are still pretty droopy, but thats where a lot of water travels so Im going to continue with your watering advice. Today her pot feels pretty heavy and about an inch down it is moist so Ill check tomorrow and proceed as normal with feeding.


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That plant is way over watered. You can see the bubbliness in the texture of the leaves. Keep adding water & the plant will get root rot & die. You need to NOT WATER for about 4-5 days & let that plant dry up some. Then start watering less at a time. I water about a 1/2 gallon every 2 days in 5 gallon pots. If you want to water more often, give it less water each time. Light is not causing the leaves to bubble like that. If you go to " they have pics of leaves with all kinds of symptoms & tell you how to remedy it. It's not a Forum .... Just a resource page. But I would not water again until that pot is light as a feather. Been there / done that.
That plant is way over watered. You can see the bubbliness in the texture of the leaves. Keep adding water & the plant will get root rot & die. You need to NOT WATER for about 4-5 days & let that plant dry up some. Then start watering less at a time. I water about a 1/2 gallon every 2 days in 5 gallon pots. If you want to water more often, give it less water each time. Light is not causing the leaves to bubble like that. If you go to " they have pics of leaves with all kinds of symptoms & tell you how to remedy it. It's not a Forum .... Just a resource page. But I would not water again until that pot is light as a feather. Been there / done that.
Do you think that it being in coco is okay to wait 4 or 5 days?
So yesterday I defoliated, and moved my light way up. This morning I came in to check on her and she is already looking better! Her leaves are starting to stand up more little by little and she is also more of a healthy green than I have seen on her ever. The main stalk fan leaves are still pretty droopy, but thats where a lot of water travels so Im going to continue with your watering advice. Today her pot feels pretty heavy and about an inch down it is moist so Ill check tomorrow and proceed as normal with feeding.
The finger trick is good for solo cups or small 1 gal plastic pots. But they weight of the pot will not steer you wrong. That I can guarantee!
Coco holds a lot of water. When you think it's dry, grab a handful & squeeze it & watch the water run out. The Pot Weight is the best way to tell. Do you have another pot you can fill just to use to compare the weight till you get use to it. I think 3-4 days & then check the weight. Even with soil the pots get really light when they dry. You just don't want the Coco to get completely dry & that would probably take at least 7 days in hotter temps. Can you point a fan toward the top of the pot to help dry it? If you're really worried, let it dry 3 days & then just give it a 12 oz. cup per day. Check the weight each time & see if it's still getting lighter while still giving a little fresh water. Might take you 2 weeks to balance it out that way but it will work & you won't be over watering.
I grow with coco as well. I use pot weight mostly but I also use a cheap water meter. It allows you to get an idea of how much water is down lower in the pot. If the roots aren’t down there, they will grow down to the water. If they are already established then they will take what the need. It can be deceiving how much water is left in the bottom of the pot.