Indoor Is this Nutrients burn?

Jul 14, 2016
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This is 40 days old blue treacle auto. She was doing fine until I added quarter tsp dyna gro bloom to last feeding. She is in 2 gallon soil under 18/6 light cycle.. Now I believe it's nuts burn. What should i do about it?

Also another plant Auto Thc bomb under same situation as the first one but reacted differently. It's leaves became droppy droppy
No it's not nute burn.Have you been using cal-mag? What have you been feeding them and how often?Have you been ph'ing your water?What type of light are you using and how close is it to your plants? The first pic looks like nitrogen defiecency and the second one looks either to dry or to wet.
This is 40 days old blue treacle auto. She was doing fine until I added quarter tsp dyna gro bloom to last feeding. She is in 2 gallon soil under 18/6 light cycle.. Now I believe it's nuts burn. What should i do about it?

Also another plant Auto Thc bomb under same situation as the first one but reacted differently. It's leaves became droppy droppy
well in the first pic when i zoom in your tips do look a little burned and the 2nd pic droopy leaves looks like overwatering and the color of the leaves tells me too much nitrogen! You may need to use a flushing agent
What kind of soil?
What are your environmental conditions?
How much air movement?
How long ago was the 2nd pic watered and at what point of light cycle?

I think the color looks fine considering it appears the pics were taken lights out, farther from the flash the darker they will look. Your tips look fine, there is no damage or brown. A little yellow on that last 1/8" is normal, at least with photos.

2nd pic looks over watered, I agree with @PureBlaze420 . Make sure they get watered in the first half of the light cycle if possible. If you have good air movement and this is typical after watering you may want to water less meaning not as much water/nute solution per feeding.