Hey Bdub, thanks for getting us the info needed,...
A few big picture things first, but let me start with saying the plant is doing OK, I see no red alerts going off here!
Part of what your seeing in symptoms is normal senescence in the fans leaves,... they are supposed to pale out and shut down, what nutes that are mobile within the plant and stored in there are being removed and used up-- a good thing! *( not all nutes are mobile within the plant once taken in and metabolized, several, mainly micronutes, are locked in place and can't be translocated to other places... Have a good read through the Defc. Pic Depot in the Sticky section above this one...)
Likely, part of the problem is the very dubious Fuxfarm soils. They have been a source of problems noted in this infirmary for years (I used to run this gig here, but got burnt, taking a break)... A lucky few get bags that are OK, different subcontractors making and sourcing materials I suspect, but many do NOT. I have watch their soils for years, #1 problem is it's undercooked and often badly acidic right out the bag; OF is usually the worst, HF tends to be better because it's a milder soil... But bugs, rick, shit debris and poor mixing/cooking have been stake faults seem consistently. Fighting shit soil for pH, nute release stability and such can make a new grower throw in the towel!
pH is sooo critical,... I used to recommend the Accurate 8 soil pH probe (Control Wizard), not the cheapo- skinny rod pH probes you see at stores, those are shit... recently I had to buy a new A8, and it's wonky! Quality control is a joke anymore sadly... Only reliable alternative is an expensive high quality unit from Blue Labs or similar company. Those work like a pH meter, with an electrode bulb, so while very good, they do require proper care/maintenance like a liquid-only pH meter does...
Run-off testing for pH is lousy for this, best is can tell you is if the pH is way off and so mandates correcting... there is a way to get a half decent reading but it's a PITA to do... the method is also in the Sticky Section....
Feeds seems OK for ppm load, frequency too, and the runoff ppm not terrible, but high... tells you the plant isn't eating through your inputs fast enough and is building up... mind that you adjust your ppm reading to allow for what the water itself is bringing in...
Flushing is more of an emergency step to do, it shouldn't be the default correction method.... it's a kind of a shotgun blast fix, and it has it's down side. It strips everything out, not just the excess nute elements, plus it's basically super saturating the soil with water, which does smother the roots and O2 starve them for a bit = stress.... So, it can help "reset" pH and ppm in there, but it puts you in a roller coaster cycle of watering, feeding, etc., and that is a bitch to work through and not make matters worse sometimes...
Any corrections will take days to show, only fuck-up's usually show fast-
The toughest part of the learning curve is the nutes IMO,... further curves thrown at you are what the specific cultivars, even pheno's are like for tolerances, demands, behavior etc/,... no "one size" fits all!
Big Bloom is a misnomer, typical

idiots and their cutsie names... look at the NPK#'s, all in the decimals; this is not a base fertilizer, it's a supplement and while good, at any stage, it's no substitute for Tiger bloom,... good that you have that

How much N, P, K going in at different stages is the entire nut, so long as you use complete nute profile products (secondary and micronutes as well), supp's like PK boosters may not have these important nutes in the, so heads up on that...Demand changes as the plant ages, with stages,... this graph says it all-->
* sometime, look up the APTUS grow bible PDF, a very good summary in that document*
You will see in the Defc. Pic Depot, pg 2, several nute interaction charts, graphs.. it's a confusing mess I know, but grind through some of it to get a feel for how nutes interact, especially how antagonistic uptake issues can screw with your grow/feeding... Too much of anything at the wrong time can start presenting "defc.'s", that aren't from lack-of, but bad interactions/uptake by excess of others, and/or pH being off... I know it's a bloody mess, but you get the gist... it's why fixing prob's is such a skill itself, having to tools to get the info needed, and all that....
I gotta get going now, but at this stage, mind your inputs,... it's late in the game, hard to "fix" things, and some manky fans will not ruin your bud
as long as you aren't overfeeding as the plants demands are dropping in final blooming,...