Old Reviews Is there an organics section here?!?!?!

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Mods move if this is out of place...

I've been thinking of going organic/veganic. Wondering if there is a section devoted to such things?

If not, feel free to school me on building a complete organic soil that will last the cannabis life-cycle. I am aware of Sub's Super Soil, wondering if anyone else has had good results with alternative mixes?

Anyone growing for patients that request veganics please chime in!
We have some organic growers among us but there is not a dedicated forum for that. You can search the threads started by DIRT or L3V3R2000 who have both had phenomenal growing results. Both have posted their soil recipes, as well. Hope that helps. :peace:
We have some organic growers among us but there is not a dedicated forum for that. You can search the threads started by DIRT or L3V3R2000 who have both had phenomenal growing results. Both have posted their soil recipes, as well. Hope that helps. :peace:

Dope Dirt! Exactly what I was looking for. I will do that! Sorry for my laziness....haziness I mean. Thanks man!!!!

Well, I hope it points you to what you're looking for. :thumbs:
We need an organics section.
I'm confident there is plenty of interest. We're a little short-handed atm but this is something we should pursue, IMO. One issue is that proficient organic growers, such as yourself, are not plentiful on the site just yet. But, as I'm sure you've noticed, that is changing. :peace:
I have noticed the slight influx...I think an organics section would go a long way towards inspiring others to go the organic route,
IMO organics is the only way...if your a commercial grower than I can see why synthetics are an easier and more viable option,but if your growing your own stone than organics is much more beneficial to your health your soul and your plants:smokeit:..

I'm not trying to preach..That's just my opinion on the matter...
I second a organics section :D
Hehe..I started a revolution! LOL.

I hope we see an organics section here. I am leaning heavily towards this philosophy. I figure why am I smoking chem buds when I wont even eat non-organic food?

Plus I am just so sick of the tedious measuring and metering!

Anyone with and suggested threads I should read, please link to them in this thread! I need to get my knowledge up asap.
ah ! yay! I'm so glad i found this, I am trying to get things together to do an organic grow but i've got a bit of shakey legs since it's my first.

Those of you on here : perhaps you can do a link back to your other grow posts?

I want to learn from youuuuu :help:
also, I would second an organics section