Indoor Iranian Autoflower Grow

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Yeah i was looking at that Iranian chem. Wish it was the D cut but #4 is nothing to shake a stick at.

I have been planning on getting some of his c99.. For a future breeding project.

I would like to hear where he got his G13 from.. Cuts are so rare, and old now that many have stopped being re cloned do to loss of vigor. The only source for G13 that i would trust comes from neville and shantibahbah. Seni's g13HP is also legit G13. Well... As legit as it gets.

If you EVER see any g13skunk seeds. SNATCH THEM!!! the Gskunk was the best rendition. The G came out strong over the skunk..
Dr. Green Thumb claims to have the pure G13, Its in High Times first couple pages...
He also has Matinuska ThunderFuck pure(I wonder if this is true?) if he really has pure lines of these plants they almost certainly would have came from a 20 yr old mother or at least a 20 yr old seed!

I hate that everything he has costs at least $150 but I'm going to start ordering everything he has that catches me eye...
The Chem #4 cut is really under a different name isn't it?
it scares me to think about Mr Nice seeds g13 female clone losing its vigor...
Luckily they already had crossed it with multiple strains but what happens when those strains lose their vigor? We need a strain/genetics preservation bank that runs on donations instead of selling seeds...
If there is somebody out there that was fortunate enough to have some Chem, OG Kush, Haze's etc if they donated a cutting or a few beans to the SPB a lot of strains could be saved and reintroduced to the main stream Cannabis world, I think something like this is needed badly!!!
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If there is somebody out there that was fortunate enough to have some Chem, OG Kush, Haze's etc if they donated a cutting or a few beans to the SPB a lot of strains could be saved and reintroduced to the main stream Cannabis world, I think something like this is needed badly!!!

Funny you mention this... My friend and I had some OG kush seeds from a medical bag we got from Cali... we planted them and grew them out and man did they kick ass!
interestingly , we had another srain (super sati) called garlic... wasn't much for flavor or buzz... but it hermied during flowering... and took over 4 months to fully flower! long ass bitch! lol Anyway.. we ended up with seeds from the two (we beilieve as no other males or hermies we know of were present)... My friend has some of them started now and that FAT OG kush leaf pattern is showing in second and third set of leaves thus far... we'll let you know our find... maybe even be able to infuse some OG lines into autos... any idea original background genetics that brought forth the OG's?

If there is somebody out there that was fortunate enough to have some Chem, OG Kush, Haze's etc if they donated a cutting or a few beans to the SPB a lot of strains could be saved and reintroduced to the main stream Cannabis world, I think something like this is needed badly!!!

I totally agree.. These genetics need to be preserved! I have some Super Silver Haze.. believed to be from Dutch Passion originally (though it may be an F2 or F3)
and also some Haze x NL5... these are in testing.. also have a few femmed seeds of the SSH left... these are my backups... I keep my seeds in a fireproof, waterproof box....

023563138-thumb_aiaf.jpg Here is a shot I took of my Iranian Autoflower last night. Still no signs of preflowers. The runt is on my back porch and I have 2 other IAF seedlings going. The 400 watt CMH seem to make these things go crazy! I plan to spray the runt with CS, but now I will have access to some STS. Which do you guys think I should use? I really want to get some fem. beans from this strain and , Lord willing, share some with the community. Any input would be appreciated.
049919500-thumb_aiafclones.jpg I got brave and took 4 small cuttings from my largest IAF and put them in my cloner. I hope that they root. I'll post my progress.
Well... the ONLY feedback I've ever heard (1 person - a well known kick ass breeder) had hermie issues from using STS... he will be trying CS now. I too, am currently running a test batch on that.

I made extra CS, it is available... PM for more info

Thanks for the offer! I am currently using some homemade CS on a Sour 60 female, and I have used it in the past with some success. I was just a little curious about STS since I have access to it now.
Thanks for the offer! I am currently using some homemade CS on a Sour 60 female, and I have used it in the past with some success. I was just a little curious about STS since I have access to it now.

please try it and let us know if there hermie in there?

118079779-thumb_aiaftwins.jpg Here are my 2 youngest Iranian Autoflowers. They were planted on 2-27-11. One of my clones is showing roots! I will try to post a pic of them later this week. Two of the clones rotted and one is till healthy but hasn't rooted yet. My oldest IAF is still looking good as well and the one that I sprayed with STS is starting to put on pollen sacks!