Intense CBD oil Recipe

Mr. Eekman thanks for the excellent thread and information. Can anyone that has used this recipe for insomnia tell me how it affects you the following morning? I have various pills that are prescribed for insomnia but they always make me feel hungover and sluggish. I was curious if this would give me the hungover feeling the next day?
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I always feel refreshed after taking a tincture and sleeping. Same with really strong edibles. You're definitely not hungover. Slower, but you know... a spot of coffee, shower. Blah blah... whatever you do in the morning and you'll be right as rain.

It's a fairly potent cocktail of cannabinoids though. Depending on the concentration and chiefly the ratio of THC - CBD, you could easily ingest a 12 hour dose on a teaspoon. But a quarter of a teaspoon... that's probably right on the money. Try it out, but start small.
Hi all,Just finished my first batch of intense CBD oil. Very dark can't see a light through it. Taste is not too bad, you can really taste the chlorophyll in it. Busy day today so I will try some tonight. Thanks again for the receipt Eek!

Cool! The darker the better...except for taste.Let us know how it works for you.
I have put the oil in capsules to avoid the taste.

Psychonaut, insomnia is a big part of why we make this oil. It relaxes you enough so you can sleep.
Like gradolabs said...start out small.
It's best if you take it regular, Eek does but I don't... 1/2 teaspoon is good for me and I don't have the groggy feeling the next day like with alcohol or pills.

Let us know how it works for you.
Thanks to both of you for your replies grado and Root 66. I may try to get some going this weekend and see how it does. I have taken ambien for a while now and still can't stand the taste it leaves in my mouth the next day. Like I have been chewing iron nails. Disgusting. If this works, it would be nice to have something natural and I normally just make ice water hash out of all the plant material anyways. I will let reply here as to how it worked for me compared to the RX stuff.

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Thanks to both of you for your replies grado and Root 66. I may try to get some going this weekend and see how it does. I have taken ambien for a while now and still can't stand the taste it leaves in my mouth the next day. Like I have been chewing iron nails. Disgusting. If this works, it would be nice to have something natural and I normally just make ice water hash out of all the plant material anyways. I will let reply here as to how it worked for me compared to the RX stuff.
(NaturalNews) COPD is the often used term for "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease," a rather clumsy and vague description for most of us. It includes a few different lung issues, such as emphysema, bronchiectasis and chronic bronchitis. The scary part is that it's a mystery to our pharmaceutical-dependent medical system. And it gets progressively worse, often leading to death.

It's third in disease death rates, behind only heart disease and cancer. COPD creates constricted airways in one's lungs or renders small lung sacks inelastic and unable to fully accommodate breathing cycles; thus, there is obstruction.

COPD symptoms include some or all of the following: losing one's breath with minor activity, chronic coughing, increased sputum, chest tightness or pain with difficulty breathing, increased lung infections and fatigue. It has been observed to have four stages. Many of those lugging oxygen canisters around are in the last two stages.

The pharmaceuticals prescribed for treating symptoms often have side effects that cause more problems. Big Pharma is still fishing for cures, while COPD diagnoses rates continue rising in our toxic environment.

Medical marijuana to the rescue once again
The treatment situation is so bleak and harmful with mainstream medicine that those desperate to breathe normally and cough up less mucus have desperately turned to medical marijuana for at least some relief without negative side effects.

Smoking marijuana cigarettes is shunned for obvious reasons, but many claim that vaping, or using a vaporizer to inhale cannabis, is useful for
COPD without exacerbating the lungs' inflammatory condition.

But better results have been achieved by ingesting cannabis, especially the potent, highly condensed oil extract that Rick Simpson pioneered in Canada and now in Eastern Europe. Many medical
marijuana advocates, especially those in medical-cannabis-friendly states, have learned to make the oil and provide it to those in need.

Most of the cannabis treatment publicity has gone toward cancer, Crohn's disease, chronic epileptic seizures and glaucoma. Even Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis victims have experienced positive results from various
cannabis products with THC applications.

Pharmaceutical-dependent mainstream medicine hasn't been able to cure any of these diseases or even alleviate symptoms without creating complications, some fatal.

More COPD patients have hopped on the cannabis cure bandwagon with positive results lately. These results include folks with late-stage COPD and severe emphysema.

An anecdotal sampling
At the relatively young age of 36, Jeff Waters was diagnosed with COPD. Eight years later he had to be rushed to an ER during another bout with bronchitis.

Lung scarring was discovered, and his condition was raised to stage 2 COPD. While prescribing several pharmaceuticals, the doctor told him that it would continue to get worse and eventually kill him.

Jeff did continue to get worse. He was unable to climb a flight of stairs and he wound up with stage 3 COPD and an oxygen canister to prove it. Showering and shaving without his oxygen supply turned out to be almost too arduous of a task.

Then an allergic reaction to a prescribed high blood pressure medication put him on life support in ICU with severe pneumonia for a month. After his recovery, he resolved to handle his COPD without mainstream medical interventions.

Jeff found COPD sufferers online
who had resolved their COPD issues with cannabis oil. He networked with them and found his own sources for cannabis oil.

After only two months of using the oil, Jeff went off oxygen and all the pharmaceuticals he had been prescribed. He now walks two to five miles daily and claims that cannabis oil has allowed him "to get his life back."

As if we didn't know all that.

Thanks everyone for doing your good work.

You will soon be helpin other's, and that to me is everything.


Hi Eek,

Just waned to let you know that I tried my oil last night. Deep sleep for 5 hours, woke up feeling good, no grogginess.

Me and a friend dosed 1 teaspoon apeice, we both felt tired enough to sleep within an hour. I also had about five hours, and I think a tablespoon would have wiped me out for all eight.

But I don't sweat five too much. Maybe two teaspoons for an all nighter?

Hopefully, maybe

Reps bro

I'm really stoked to try this out. For treating insomnia: does anyone have recommendations on a good strain to start with? Common sense tells me that the strain should matter. But I've never been accused of having too much common sense so I's gots to ask.

Up to this point I've relied mostly on my green dragon tincture for sleep. It works better than any pharmaceutical - and I've tried them all - but I make the green dragon mostly with bud and it can be very THC heavy. Looking for something new. "Stirring"
The higher the CBD is obviously the goal.

Hopefully other members will help advise here.

Sohum seeds if you are a patient in CA is a good one,

But there are some strains on Herbies, and Attitude, also the site sponsors who have high CBD strains.

Just go to one of the sites, and use the search options they provide.

Trying to advise on a strains is a tricky subject, but only you know exactly what you will need.

With that said Auto's generally have a higher CBD rate, though that is not as true as it used to be.

Hope that gives you an idea.

Other's can chime in and let you know about other strains they like I am sure.

