Extraction Instant pot coconut oil

Im also into medables but i found that if i took a 1/4 and cooked with coconut oil and drain the left over herb I then used to make brownies I could get 16 extra stones. Humm why not incorporate the herb in with capsules to increase the strength. So the new recipie is 1/4 to 2-3 teaspoons coconut oil. After decarboxilation I grind in coffee grinder to a fine powder. Then cook in a jar in a pot of water for 2 hr. I don't strain the herb. My I dropper i made with a Bick pen and I dropper squeeze bulb. I then fill about 40, 00 caps. My resistance is increasing so for a good evening entertainment I'll take 4-5 caps and sit and drool and watch I hate Trump tv. These are strong and at first I was getting hangovers lasting a day or 2 so be careful. I have also made rso that laid u flat. I had trouble walking or getting out of my chair .
Mine are more for being fucked up when I'm out, but not that fucked up lol. I dont want to drool at a football game hahaha. Been focused on sativa, not as put you to sleep as what I've made in the past. I get home from a game and I'm ready to sleep, trying to have more energy.