Insects: The good, The Bad, and the Bugly

@Waira yes I think I got to them before any significant damage had been done. I have too many projects and not enough time.

I froze the plant in question and I have bubble bags. Is that the same as QWISO? I have so much to learn. Love the journey though! Thanks for the help all!

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...Archi 'mate, sorry for the's short for quick isopropyl alcohol extract,.. basically, freeze the alcohol and trim, fill a jar part way, fill with alcohol to cover it and then a a bit more, and gently tumble/shake for a minute or so,.. this will dissolve most of the resins, but don't go too long or it'll pull chlorophyll out too! (look it up, lots of info on making it),... then pour it through a strainer, stacked on top of a pre-alcohol -soaked coffee filter atop a jar,... may or may not need further filtering , but then you pour it into a pyrex pan, 9x13 or close is best (shallower spread),..a small fan will accelerate evaporation, a warm base will too so long as it's low heat and SAFE,... when gone, just the resins remain,.. freeze for easier removal with a razor blade,... shit goes tough-sticky fast, so work quickly, in lower RH if possible,..scrape away until clean,... Voila!-- killer concentrate!
Oh shit I must try this thanks @Waira

By the way here's a little update on my bug probs:
I got overrun by caterpillar worms and leafhoppers. It was a painful first grow outdoors. I learned that when I plant sooner, bugs aren't as bad. The hotter it gets the worse they get.
Good news is my indoor grow looks pretty good I think.

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That last one is the things of nightmares

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This project has actually opened my eyes to a whole new world of creepy crawly!! And i believe we are amassing quite the guides worth of insects!! I can see a winter project incoming making a guide!! Hopefully i can find someone out there to help me in a joint project.