New Grower Insects in My Grow room Hell of a summer. Any Insect killing method?

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello Afn
Well I left my door open for cool air to come in my grow room since I dont havre a AC yet and Ive got plenty of little insects like tiny flies or tiny moths...some are yellow orange Not spidermites thank God. And the Question is what am I doing now?
Use home insect killing sprays for cockroaches and ants? or is there a better way?
Thanks AFN in advance
I've read that Neem oil works well. Also, try placing a cup of apple cider vinegar near the plants as well. Don;t think i would get into chemical pesticides......
Hi, PP :)
When I was doing organics, I had a mess of a time controlling fungus gnats in my flower tent. I found a product called Gnatrol, a powder that you can surface dress into your soil medium (mixed with water, of course-I used it to brew a tea a couple times, too) I would add some of the Gnatrol into my soil when setting up pots, too. That product was the cure, for me, and it only took a week or so to end the little buggers! You can also put a layer of sand over the surface of your pots- this keeps the gnats from laying eggs in your soil, and keeps the larva already in the soil from hatching out.
No doubt, the little flying things are a maddening problem- at their worst, my flower tent looked like Pigpen from Charlie Brown with all those midgy things flying about lololol
Last and additional option- Get some yellow sticky traps and put them around the walls of the enclosure- they'll fly to it, stick, and die- Its a good way to "thin the herd" in quick order.
Hope that helps! Post a pic, if you can get a close up of the pestilence :)
Salutations Peter Pan,

...the Question is what am I doing now?

Or perhaps what to do next... there a better way?

Although i don't grow the magic plant anymore it's a question i had on my mind some 15 months ago, actually, euh...

While searching for information about "Systemic Acquired Resistance" i read that it can be stimulated by ozone and/or UV exposure, then i found this:


Google Search: "PhytO3 for Farmers"

Possibly it's OKay to mention this relatively new concept resulting from ozone applications in live cultivation. Personally i fear maybe it's just too late to apply any SAR methods once a late infestation stage has been reached anyway, or that would be like "bombing" a room i guess... and yet i'd be curious to read about similar topics aimed at a similar context. If it doesn't allow adaptation through rapid successive mutations (Borg style), that is. Etc, whatever...

I'm only wondering myself!

Thanks a lot guys Ill try and combine everything to see, Ill order the Gnatrol and start with oils and vinegar untils it comes. Thanks. AFN:pass:
Hello AfN
Does anyone know what kind of insects are these, are they harmful or just common night bugs.
I keep having a lot of insects and the oils I ordered are not yet here.
Thanks to all my friends in advance.:vibe:


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In a pinch my wife makes a very mild solution of water and dish soap. About 5 drops of liquid soap to a litre of water. Foliar spray. It may work well enough you might not need the stuff you ordered. She also said she covers the plant with a clear plastic bag for a couple days until she was sure they were dead. I did it when I had fungus Gnats. By the way, fungus Gnats are not yellow. They are black with clear wings and tiny in size.
Good luck with the pests, it sucks but the soapy water may help.

...the soapy water may help.

I second this and might as well add lower temperature, at least if one is dealing with spider mites. Go figure, that may work in this case too, so how hot is it in there exactly?... E.G. Heat is likely to promote nuisible parasite activity IMO.

Good day, have fun!! :peace: