Grow Mediums Info on dwc?????????????????

Mate... Its still bothers me that so many people are in love with Crapwool, like bam-bam says not all rockwall it fit to grow in and alot of it carry's big health warnings....
Root Riot cubes are a much better option and you can get them from hydro stores or garden centers... 100 times better than that sloppy mess you get from Crapwool... Just my opinion....

Wow never knew this! Ive never used rockwool my self, but will bear this is in mind for the future!
Ok so i've run into a problem... apparently rockwool cubes aren't available for me and ordering off the internet isn't an option, i have googled alternatives but can't find a clear answer. I was thinking of filling the bottom of my makeshift net pot with the clay pebbles and then making a hole in which i would add compost mix and proceeding to plant in that, adding more clay pabbles ontop of that once they're established, any thoughts?

You could just use a kitchen sponge if you can't find the rockwool cubes. get one there is biological degradable
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Just been through this thread because I'm considering DWC culture next, keep us updated on how it all comes together- I'm also using an 80x80x160 tent with the MS0006, can't go wrong with these LEDs bro :peace: