Lighting Inese`s Grow


mad scientist
Jan 6, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Old school
Inese`s Grow diary will document continuous grow of cannabis with main focus on medical varieties. As all varieties are medical if used for that mean, only CBD rich varieties will not be exclusive but will dominate this diary. Unless science point us in different direction! :)

I am starting this project with small steps but with expected gradual grow over time and lets see where it will go from here on! I would like to clarify, that my intention is big, so the project has to be big in itself. Perhaps at lest 50% of product of each grow will found those in need for medicine and percentage will grow as project grows. NOT FOR PROFIT will be carved into stone as basic principle of Constitution of Inese`s Grow. If necessary I will move to different state (Greece is current location) if criminal laws intent to stop me. Still, obeying an unjust law in not an option! Personal finances will play major role in development of this project.

Inese`s Grow is dedicated to all those in need for this wonderful medicine, to the truth and the justice, but primarily to Inese itself, a wonderful being with special place in my heart and her grandmother who will hopefully receive medicine I attempt to grow. Inese`s grandmother, Duda, is suffering from osteoporosis in its late stage and from tropical ulcer which took over great part of her leg below the knee. Duda is in stage of not being able to eat any more and God knows if she will live enough to participate in this project, but never less, her soul will stay here forever.

At the moment, it is already 2 weeks since we ordered CBD oil produced by Shifa Shop in Spain, sister company to legendary CBD Crew, world leader and pioneer in producing CBD rich cannabis varieties (Xmas holidays may postpone delivery).

10 ml bottle of CBD SHIFA OIL 6% contains 6% of CBD, THC is under 0.3% and has 41 terpenes, as I understood. In order for CBD Crew to make products compiled with law they needed to classify it as industrial hemp product and dilute it. It is made from high grade medical cannabis strain (from CBD Crew catalog) which contains 16-17% CBD and 4% THC. What that means is that, you will simple need to consume bigger dose to achieve the same results you will get if it wasn`t diluted. But with great reduction in price as well. CBD SHIFA OIL 6% cost 65 euros which is very affordable.

The plan is for Duda to receive CBD SHIFA OIL 6% as first aid while medicine in made is ready. Cured medical buds will be transformed into oil. If CBD SHIFA OIL 6% shows to be miracle in itself for our lovely Duda, perhaps she will then stay on that oil only as it is legal product in Latvia. Illegal drug smuggling across the border of two countries is serious crime according to our corrupt politicians and their laws. When the law in unjust it is our obligation to disobey such law. So, what I am intending to do here is absolutely legal and moral by our natural law! And that is all permit I need!

I am fan of this forum for some time now. I have 2 documented attempts here of which first one was successful. Second one failed due to insects infection I didn't understood till it was to late for any decent results. Previously I had one very successful grow of 4 different strains at space of 67cm with 53cm, under 250W duel HPS lamp. Strains were CBD Shark Shock and CBD Medi Haze (by CBD Crew) and Canatonic and LA Ultra (obtained by CBD Crew as well -thanks girls!!) I got approximately 170g of dry buds with only 3 weeks of vegging from seed (CBD Shark Shock only 2 weeks).

For all those who know me here knew I am new guy here, and amateur one. Feeding the plant is still science I little understand and it is my weakest spot. I am hopping to receive great support from you guys, please over text me with suggestions. I specially hope TaNg will found time for this diary due to his nature talent in growing cannabis he showed us here and as I understand TaNg is one of the guys who overpass tireless PH measurement. All grows will be 100% biological which eliminated PH science.

Originally this grow supposed to start with 3 remained 3 years old Norhtern Light Seensi Seeds seeds but due to difficulties in germination it is redirected to 3 CBD auto White Widows by Dutch Passion. Still on of the 3 Northern Lights seeds managed to fully germinate and is a couple days older than 3 CBD auto White Widows. At some point Northern Lights will be cloned and re-cloned in totally 9 clones which will be put in slow motion vegging in separate commode and than, perhaps after first grow is finished, put directly to flower under Telos 0008 or Telos 0010 in Sea of the Green method, for which Northern Lights is proven to be fantastic strain.
Thanks for following!
Inese`s Grow diary will document continuous grow of cannabis with main focus on medical varieties. As all varieties are medical if used for that mean, only CBD rich varieties will not be exclusive but will dominate this diary. Unless science point us in different direction! :)

I am starting this project with small steps but with expected gradual grow over time and lets see where it will go from here on! I would like to clarify, that my intention is big, so the project has to be big in itself. Perhaps at lest 50% of product of each grow will found those in need for medicine and percentage will grow as project grows. NOT FOR PROFIT will be carved into stone as basic principle of Constitution of Inese`s Grow. If necessary I will move to different state (Greece is current location) if criminal laws intent to stop me. Still, obeying an unjust law in not an option! Personal finances will play major role in development of this project.

Inese`s Grow is dedicated to all those in need for this wonderful medicine, to the truth and the justice, but primarily to Inese itself, a wonderful being with special place in my heart and her grandmother who will hopefully receive medicine I attempt to grow. Inese`s grandmother, Duda, is suffering from osteoporosis in its late stage and from tropical ulcer which took over great part of her leg below the knee. Duda is in stage of not being able to eat any more and God knows if she will live enough to participate in this project, but never less, her soul will stay here forever.

At the moment, it is already 2 weeks since we ordered CBD oil produced by Shifa Shop in Spain, sister company to legendary CBD Crew, world leader and pioneer in producing CBD rich cannabis varieties (Xmas holidays may postpone delivery).

10 ml bottle of CBD SHIFA OIL 6% contains 6% of CBD, THC is under 0.3% and has 41 terpenes, as I understood. In order for CBD Crew to make products compiled with law they needed to classify it as industrial hemp product and dilute it. It is made from high grade medical cannabis strain (from CBD Crew catalog) which contains 16-17% CBD and 4% THC. What that means is that, you will simple need to consume bigger dose to achieve the same results you will get if it wasn`t diluted. But with great reduction in price as well. CBD SHIFA OIL 6% cost 65 euros which is very affordable.

The plan is for Duda to receive CBD SHIFA OIL 6% as first aid while medicine in made is ready. Cured medical buds will be transformed into oil. If CBD SHIFA OIL 6% shows to be miracle in itself for our lovely Duda, perhaps she will then stay on that oil only as it is legal product in Latvia. Illegal drug smuggling across the border of two countries is serious crime according to our corrupt politicians and their laws. When the law in unjust it is our obligation to disobey such law. So, what I am intending to do here is absolutely legal and moral by our natural law! And that is all permit I need!

I am fan of this forum for some time now. I have 2 documented attempts here of which first one was successful. Second one failed due to insects infection I didn't understood till it was to late for any decent results. Previously I had one very successful grow of 4 different strains at space of 67cm with 53cm, under 250W duel HPS lamp. Strains were CBD Shark Shock and CBD Medi Haze (by CBD Crew) and Canatonic and LA Ultra (obtained by CBD Crew as well -thanks girls!!) I got approximately 170g of dry buds with only 3 weeks of vegging from seed (CBD Shark Shock only 2 weeks).

For all those who know me here knew I am new guy here, and amateur one. Feeding the plant is still science I little understand and it is my weakest spot. I am hopping to receive great support from you guys, please over text me with suggestions. I specially hope TaNg will found time for this diary due to his nature talent in growing cannabis he showed us here and as I understand TaNg is one of the guys who overpass tireless PH measurement. All grows will be 100% biological which eliminated PH science.

Originally this grow supposed to start with 3 remained 3 years old Norhtern Light Seensi Seeds seeds but due to difficulties in germination it is redirected to 3 CBD auto White Widows by Dutch Passion. Still on of the 3 Northern Lights seeds managed to fully germinate and is a couple days older than 3 CBD auto White Widows. At some point Northern Lights will be cloned and re-cloned in totally 9 clones which will be put in slow motion vegging in separate commode and than, perhaps after first grow is finished, put directly to flower under Telos 0008 or Telos 0010 in Sea of the Green method, for which Northern Lights is proven to be fantastic strain.
Thanks for following!
im taking a front row seat for this one:pop: always been intrested in CBD plants but never had the space to try some out :pass:
Grow space is one old closet with inside dimension 85 with 45 with 130 cm. It is fully sealed grow with not intake /outtake of fresh air. I am using CO2 Boost. HS1 optical diffuser is 90 with 60. Earth and food is Bio Canna.There is also carbon filter, 2 mini dehumidifiers which will soon be replaced with big one, 100W towel warmer, thermostat.
Day 1
3 CBD auto White Widow Dutch Passion grown in 7l text pots and one fem Northern Lights Sensi Seeds which will soon be moved to separate space to vegges in 9 different clones till CBD auto WW are done.
From left to right: WW1, WW2, WW3 :)
That was new dehumifidier in last post, I was licky to found so small one (aprox 25 with 17 with 47cm), 200w,10l/24h
I'm following along too. Curious what that stealth cab can do. Good luck man!
Thanks man, I can't afford to fail this one. One more detail, I probably have to move to another location till March and I doubt plants will finish by then. Douch Passion says from seed to harvest, under ideal conditons, 9-10 weeks. So theoreticaly it is posible to finnish just before I have to move again. But plan B is to move plants to new location at very end of February, latest begin of March. One option is to move them outside under mini green house conditions. Funy thing is that I just moved to this place provided by my new working place and even before I completly moved grow cupboard got fully operated in this temporaly home. Looks like I got some talent at least ;)
I'm watchin................................:pop: