Indoor Indoor setting

Tents have many benefits. The walls reflect light. When you use a carbon scrubber, you contain and eliminate the smell. You prevent accidental runoff from ruining your floors. They dampen the sound a little bit. They prevent light leak, which while not an issue for auto growth, may be an issue for stealth. And you can more precisely calibrate your temp and humidity, particularly in cooler temps.
@Autotron Smell in the house is not an issue, the room is part of the house but has no connection with door or window with other parts of the house. Noone could see the lights coming out from the room.

Now I'm thinking about saving the money off the tent and cover the walls around the corner with aluminium wrap or something like that just to reflect the light and could save 200$ insta. The problem is that everything is happening so fast(my seedlings have been outside since today morning) I dont really had too much time to research stuff, I planned on outdoor growing at first but then read and thought about it and changed my idea to indoor. Last couple days I research couple hours a day-my situation has changed a lot so I have the time and $.
I made my tent out of PVC and 6 mil plastic drop cloth. Not the best of tents but it worked. Tents can be had for fairly cheap on ebay and amazon, most come discreetly shipped. IF you dont get the tent then put the plants near an interior house wall. It will make it easier to hang reflective material or flat white paint it. Another tip you can use is get a big cardboard box for the other 2 sides. Go to walmart or w/e and look for " emergency polarshield blankets" in the fishing/camping section. They should be a few $ and make awesome reflective surface.