indoor plotting : Dry nutes vs wet vs TLO


Badge Hunter
Feb 16, 2013
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looking to instill a "DISSCUSSION"
regarding wet vs dry nutes
dry nutes vs TLO

looking to gain some insist as the pros and cons of the 3

from my understanding TLO is basically microbes in the soil and feed the microbes, and doing it with H20

so why not just buy organic soil or soilless as a base, and use dry nutes & amend w/ worm castings and Microbe fert like "organism XL" by RO and again straight h20, i mean is there something im missing here?

(yes teas and top soil scratching but all can be done with DN.)from my understanding the instructions on dry nutes reads pretty dam similar to TLO

so 30$ in soil + 3) dry nutes or shelling out $ cash and smell(?) of TLO. $75 dollars total vs $190 and no nutes and ship ...etc.

they have some TLO soil on amazon btw for 10$ for 8 qts!
that $190 USD to fill 3x 5gal pots.........+ ship of course:jaw:+amend +etc over <$240 usd, this is dirt we are talking about right not oil,gold or blood diamonds.

heres my idea RO soil or soiless or listed below amended with xtra EW castings, and orgo XL,R.O. rising foundation (calcium,Mag boost etc) and straight water till sex and flower then bloom additive.(top scratching along the retinue)

just looking for some feed back thanks yall

tried the organic version with microbes from Sunshine mix #4 or Pro-Mix, they are a bit price and wondering if thats actually worth it.

thanks your your time yall
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from my understanding TLO is basically microbes in the soil and feed the microbes, and doing it with H20

so why not just buy organic soil or soilless as a base, and use dry nutes & amend w/ worm castings and Microbe fert like "organism XL" by RO and again straight h20, i mean is there something im missing here?

(yes teas and top soil scratching but all can be done with DN.)from my understanding the instructions on dry nutes reads pretty dam similar to TLO
To this point, I am unaware of a bag mix that will deliver all the same results as TLO... with amendments, maybe. You are welcome to try anything you want, but I am unaware of any organic shortcuts (bagged mixes, bottled nutes, etc.) that deliver what I want and get from TLO.

Here's a link that explains TLO simply...

Lot's of people grow bigger plants with other methods but, I never have an issue on my grows, my girls are always pretty, and it smokes as well as any bud, anywhere. TLO is the only way I have been able to enjoy all those qualities... and I use the same soil over and over, so it is by far the most cost effective long term, soil method for indoors. :peace:
To this point, I am unaware of a bag mix that will deliver all the same results as TLO... with amendments, maybe. You are welcome to try anything you want, but I am unaware of any organic shortcuts (bagged mixes, bottled nutes, etc.) that deliver what I want and get from TLO.

Here's a link that explains TLO simply...

Lot's of people grow bigger plants with other methods but, I never have an issue on my grows, my girls are always pretty, and it smokes as well as any bud, anywhere. TLO is the only way I have been able to enjoy all those qualities... and I use the same soil over and over, so it is by far the most cost effective long term, soil method for indoors. :peace:
yes thank you, ive previously read that and theres where my confusion kicks in, if TLO is feeding the microbes instead of the plant and etc, why could you not do the same to reused amended soil/soiless , and the microbes added or hyperstimulated? or is this a "cuz the king said so" type deal?
And your plant is feeding off the bi product of the whole cirlce of life going on at a micro level thats what your plants diggin on man.I believe if I am to understand it as I believe i do to a point.
from my understanding TLO is basically microbes in the soil and feed the microbes, and doing it with H20

so why not just buy organic soil or soilless as a base, and use dry nutes & amend w/ worm castings and Microbe fert like "organism XL" by RO and again straight h20, i mean is there something im missing here?

What you are missing is that what you are describing is still just feeding the microbes in the soil, you even mention putting them in with the organism. Your price estimate on TLO is way, way too high. When you buy all of the dry ingredients you don't use them all at once, you use a little of each over time. You also don't make a new batch of TLO every time, you recycle your soil and amend it with only what it needs. All things considered it easily cost me less that $20 bucks to make 20 gallons of TLO and every time I recycle the soil it gets better.

Now with the dry fert way you mentioned the soil would still need time to break down the ferts. Your plant would be sitting in a hot mess for a while. It still could work, but it would cost more and produce less.

As far as bottled organics, I don't really consider that organic. The plants react to the bottled stuff the same way as synthetics really, you need a feeding schedule and the plant can't sustain itself in the soil alone.

The king might not of said so, but the pig has spoken :D
What you are missing is that what you are describing is still just feeding the microbes in the soil, you even mention putting them in with the organism. Your price estimate on TLO is way, way too high. When you buy all of the dry ingredients you don't use them all at once, you use a little of each over time. You also don't make a new batch of TLO every time, you recycle your soil and amend it with only what it needs. All things considered it easily cost me less that $20 bucks to make 20 gallons of TLO and every time I recycle the soil it gets better.

Now with the dry fert way you mentioned the soil would still need time to break down the ferts. Your plant would be sitting in a hot mess for a while. It still could work, but it would cost more and produce less.

As far as bottled organics, I don't really consider that organic. The plants react to the bottled stuff the same way as synthetics really, you need a feeding schedule and the plant can't sustain itself in the soil alone.

The king might not of said so, but the pig has spoken :D
AH thank you for breaking it down the way you did, it helps follow considerably !

now as for the smell of using TLO vs others? since i have my grow room in my bedroom i really dont wanna be smelling manure for a few days each time i need to add something.
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:grat: AHMEN to that!!I know that stuff in my head and thats why I love AFN since I cannot put it into words the right way since Im way to much a novice on true TLO. I just have to put it all into action,which Im cooking a recipe I found here actually.that cost me about 20-25 bucks to slap together around 20 or so gallons of it.keeping my fingers crossed.
random but: anyone have an opinion on feeding all the nutes for the plant via vermicomp (warm farm) and food waste, using that as a media or something to that effect? plues drain and aeration of course.

was looking into the idea of a small worm farm since it has such a high rep. and no burn,

from my understanding what ever scrap organic food you feed the worms, their castings will be rich with that nute.
now as for the smell of using TLO vs others? since i have my grow room in my bedroom i really dont wanna be smelling manure for a few days each time i need to add something.
Depending on how much you make, I think you will find the smell manageable. I keep my mix indoors and I don't notice it and haven't.

random but: anyone have an opinion on feeding all the nutes for the plant via vermicomp (warm farm) and food waste, using that as a media or something to that effect? plues drain and aeration of course.
A worm farm is a great thing to have for creating your own worm castings. But, worm castings are just one amendment. Worm castings are a source of microbes with some light N but the microbes process the nutrients. If you're asking if it would be a good thing to put worms in the mix, that could make sense and could be beneficial... I haven't researched it to see if there could be possible negative effects. But, even if it were possible to feed the worms enough of the right stuff to produce a healthy and balanced mix, I can't imagine how much trouble it would be to provide them with the exact right diet to get a similar result to TLO. For me, if it is possible, it would be waaaaay too much work. :peace:
remember theory based (dont rip my head off)

from the way every garderner not just MMJ, backs that w.e. food you feed the worms they will be rich in the Element so sesame seed, cocoa powder, orange peels,coffee grounds,wheat (all organic75% scrap food in my house so free) covers 98% of the elemental nutes used by chebba plants(i dont recall which one im forgetting 48hrs no sleep), also it works by them compost it for you in 2-3 months vs real composting 5+ months + space and etc. and the castings rich in elements slow releases it, and WILL NOT BuRN THE MOST SENSITIVE PLANT (allegedly&all i found seem to back it, just EWC is as effective/more than bottle nutes not 420 people legit ORMI gardeners, assuming you feed them Element rich scrape) and just H20. if you can walk through wallyworld or do tlos it should take even less effort, and they make their own tea =D

in about a year i should be trying to test it, worst comes to worst "ill have the worlds most nutritious WC PART, best case coined now The Space Popes Mix!, turned out to be a beast.
cant lose mate :buds::check:
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