Badge Hunter
looking to instill a "DISSCUSSION"
regarding wet vs dry nutes
dry nutes vs TLO
looking to gain some insist as the pros and cons of the 3
from my understanding TLO is basically microbes in the soil and feed the microbes, and doing it with H20
so why not just buy organic soil or soilless as a base, and use dry nutes & amend w/ worm castings and Microbe fert like "organism XL" by RO and again straight h20, i mean is there something im missing here?
(yes teas and top soil scratching but all can be done with DN.)from my understanding the instructions on dry nutes reads pretty dam similar to TLO
so 30$ in soil + 3) dry nutes or shelling out $ cash and smell(?) of TLO. $75 dollars total vs $190 and no nutes and ship ...etc.
they have some TLO soil on amazon btw for 10$ for 8 qts!
that $190 USD to fill 3x 5gal pots.........+ ship of course:jaw:+amend +etc over <$240 usd, this is dirt we are talking about right not oil,gold or blood diamonds.
heres my idea RO soil or soiless or listed below amended with xtra EW castings, and orgo XL,R.O. rising foundation (calcium,Mag boost etc) and straight water till sex and flower then bloom additive.(top scratching along the retinue)
just looking for some feed back thanks yall
tried the organic version with microbes from Sunshine mix #4 or Pro-Mix, they are a bit price and wondering if thats actually worth it.
thanks your your time yall
regarding wet vs dry nutes
dry nutes vs TLO
looking to gain some insist as the pros and cons of the 3
from my understanding TLO is basically microbes in the soil and feed the microbes, and doing it with H20
so why not just buy organic soil or soilless as a base, and use dry nutes & amend w/ worm castings and Microbe fert like "organism XL" by RO and again straight h20, i mean is there something im missing here?
(yes teas and top soil scratching but all can be done with DN.)from my understanding the instructions on dry nutes reads pretty dam similar to TLO
so 30$ in soil + 3) dry nutes or shelling out $ cash and smell(?) of TLO. $75 dollars total vs $190 and no nutes and ship ...etc.
they have some TLO soil on amazon btw for 10$ for 8 qts!
that $190 USD to fill 3x 5gal pots.........+ ship of course:jaw:+amend +etc over <$240 usd, this is dirt we are talking about right not oil,gold or blood diamonds.
heres my idea RO soil or soiless or listed below amended with xtra EW castings, and orgo XL,R.O. rising foundation (calcium,Mag boost etc) and straight water till sex and flower then bloom additive.(top scratching along the retinue)
just looking for some feed back thanks yall
tried the organic version with microbes from Sunshine mix #4 or Pro-Mix, they are a bit price and wondering if thats actually worth it.
thanks your your time yall
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