Increasing medium PH in organics

That is the same soil ph tester that I use.

I would most certainly keep the water ph up around 6.6-6.8. You will want a small runoff when watering after feeding nutes, otherwise you can get a salt buildup in the bottom portion of the peat media. Check that runoffs ph.
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That is the same soil ph tester that I use.

I would most certainly keep the water ph up around 6.6-6.8. You will want a small runoff when feeding nutes, otherwise you can get a salt buildup in the bottom portion of the peat media. Check that runoffs ph.

Right but ive only fed pure water for 2 weeks (since it was transplanted in here) and 2 biobizz dosages and the problems started before the feedings, hence why i gave the biobizz to try correct it. Salt build up seems unlikely however testing the runoff PH seems interesting and def yes going to feed water at PH 7.

Think will give it some biobizz veg nutes and get some runoff to check/try assist.

If that doesnt work, i guess next time get some dolomite lime in there...
Snap forgot to get runoff as not used to that!

I gave biobizz light mix week 2 and some extra calmag and PH watered at 7.

If not improving by next water (3 days), i will certainly collect runoff PH and go from there.
Watered at PH 7 until about 15-20% runoff

Runoff PH was 5.8.

Following feed per/L as wanted to ensure enough potassium as realized with fish mix there isnt much inside:

grow - 2ml
bloom - 2ml
heaven - 2ml
alg-a-mic - 2ml
acti-vera - 2ml
calmag - 0.5ml (RO water)

Does this all sound good?
Watered at PH 7 until about 15-20% runoff

Runoff PH was 5.8.

Following feed per/L as wanted to ensure enough potassium as realized with fish mix there isnt much inside:

grow - 2ml
bloom - 2ml
heaven - 2ml
alg-a-mic - 2ml
acti-vera - 2ml
calmag - 0.5ml (RO water)

Does this all sound good?
These plants seem to really like K. I’ve been slowly upping K every grow. I’m supplementing with some dried & powdered Comfrey leaves this round.
Don’t forget that organic sources of K will raise the PH.
Just my Noob 2 cents.
Any feed for autoflower should be approx half of what a photo needs.

Oh my apologies! This is blueberry muffins photoperiod! It isnt an auto.

She seems to have perked up a bit few hours later, maybe the extra K doing the trick and mini flush might have assisted but think its the K. Lets see in a few days. Then im gonna flip the lights either way. Thanks!
Full organics in 4-5 gal pots of peat moss mix.
Hanna soil PH pen showing results of 4.5-5.5.
Been feeding 6.0-6.3 water. Going to now increase to PH 7 water.
vps in germany
Have oyster shell flour and hardwood ash and dolomite lime on hand.

Which one should i use and how much? i dont want to burn my plant or have a film of dolomite just beneath the soil.
if there wasn’t any visible issues I’d be hesitant to be to drastic in any move. No experience using dry amendments to alter ph during the grow but starting small if you go that route seems advisable
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runoff with a lower ph usually means youve got an excess of something. checking ppm of nutrient solution and runoff would be helpful.