i'm sick, could it be because of mold on my weed?Help!!!

Mar 5, 2020
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Hi, i'm curently sick, i'm having some king of infection, i feel shitty, mucus is poring out of my synus and my eye, verry soar throath,etc.... But because the health care system in canada is shit i'm having trouble finding help. So i'm here today because to find some one that can help find out if what i have is from moldy weed.

So, last run i did i had to trash 3 plants out of 4 because i lost control of the temperature and humidity in my grow and drying space because of weather. I realised that i started getting sick around the time we started smoking the plant i was able to save. is ther any one that can tell me if a plant that grew and dried next to some a plant that got mold is ok to smoke?

I broke a few buds to take some pic under the mycroscope so you see. I personaly don't see anything wrong.
Capture d’écran 2024-08-10 110637.png
Capture d’écran 2024-08-10 110907.png
Capture d’écran 2024-08-10 110925.png
Capture d’écran 2024-08-10 111018.png
what it look like up close.
I assume you break it up before smoking… what you look for is a “puff” of dust or cloud like material that escapes from the bud while breaking up. Yes, you can get sick from smoking moldy bud. It will affect every part of your respiratory system including an infection. You’ll need an antibiotic course. Would prob clear on its own if you’re healthy but may take a long time. I would get with a doc and get an antibiotic. There is a possibility that spore from the moldy bud made it to the unaffected plant but if there was mold in 3 of 4 then likely there was mold in the last one. Just not visible. To help with this, you can “wash” your buds. 3 bucket system. I’ll have to search for it but info is on this site how to do it. A wash will lessen a mold infestation… but not eliminate completely.
If concerned, why not just sterilize (and also pre-decarboxylate) the suspect buds, kill everything living in the buds? Such as put them in oven at low 200s˚F for 30-40 minutes.

Humans are very tolerant of mold/fungi, the microorganisms and their spores. We breathe a heavy soup of them all the time. Fungal infections are opportunistic, generally involve the host having some serious underlying immune or other disease problems. If you are otherwise healthy, likely not a fungal infection.

If you can't even see mold when looking for it, when breaking up and preparing your pot, I'd presume you have nothing to worry about in terms of your infection being caused by your buds. Millions upon millions in the U.S. and worldwide often consumed visibly fungal contaminated pot back in the 60s, 70s or later - when essentially all the pot was 'imported' low quality (we'd call it garbage) often not fully dried, crudely bagged in bales or compressed/bricked, smuggled in bulk such as in holds of ships (with fermentation raising core temps., lack of air, etc., encouraging fungal growth). Low-end dealers would do things such as break up bricks/bales more to the individual buds and leaves, toss these around to remove external spores, and bag up their weighed ounces or whatever. Fungal infections from pot were not major issues at the time (as they would be if were a noticeable public health problem, with continuous "wars" on drugs back then).

"Antibiotics," referring to anti-bacterial agents (vs. antifungals), are definitely not appropriate for fungal infections! Many, if not most, fungal infections, such as thrush/Candida, are caused by use of antibiotics killing normally present bacteria, disrupting the normal throat, lung, etc. ecology/flora, allowing fungi to take over.
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If concerned, why not just sterilize (and also pre-decarboxylate) the suspect buds, kill everything living in the buds? Such as put them in oven at low 200s˚F for 30-40 minutes.

Humans are very tolerant of mold/fungi, the microorganisms and their spores. We breathe a heavy soup of them all the time. Fungal infections are opportunistic, generally involve the host having some serious underlying immune or other disease problems. If you are otherwise healthy, likely not a fungal infection.

If you can't even see mold when looking for it, when breaking up and preparing your pot, I'd presume you have nothing to worry about in terms of your infection being caused by your buds. Millions upon millions in the U.S. and worldwide often consumed visibly fungal contaminated pot back in the 60s, 70s or later - when essentially all the pot was 'imported' low quality (we'd call it garbage) often not fully dried, crudely bagged or compressed/bricked, smuggled in bulk such as in holds of ships (with fermentation raising core temps., lack of air, etc., encouraging fungal growth). Fungal infections from pot were not major issues at the time (as they would be if were a public health problem, with continuous "wars" on drugs back then).

"Antibiotics," referring to anti-bacterial agents (vs. antifungals) are definitely not appropriate for a fungal infection! Many, if not most, fungal infections, such as thrush/Candida, are caused by use of antibiotics killing normally present bacteria, disrupting the normal throat, lung, etc. ecology/flora, allowing fungi to take over.
I stand corrected… thank you!
But because the health care system in canada is shit i'm having trouble finding help
Go to any walk in clinic. Our health care is slow and you might have to wait an hour or 2 in a walk in for a non emergency. But it's not "shit". Plus it's free.