I Have 4 auto flower ( 3 x maxi gom grass-o-matic and 1 x automazar dutch passion )
They are 1 week old. They stand outside but i'm afraid they dont get enough ligth. So i want to give them some more light inside.
What do you recommend?? i was thinking of LED but i dont kwow of this works good so far..
What for advise can you give me?
Greetings JAsper
I Have 4 auto flower ( 3 x maxi gom grass-o-matic and 1 x automazar dutch passion )
They are 1 week old. They stand outside but i'm afraid they dont get enough ligth. So i want to give them some more light inside.
What do you recommend?? i was thinking of LED but i dont kwow of this works good so far..
What for advise can you give me?
Greetings JAsper