I'm in a weird watering dilemma.

My autoflower was also a thirsty girl during prebloom.

Contributing factors in my case was a small(3gallon) cloth pot, low humidity, and fan blowing directly on the container.
Knock on wood, I think I'm ok in those departments. But I been wrong more then a few times in my 60 years.
Are you in soil or coco? Maybe you mentioned it and I missed it. But I’m going to go against the grain here since they look to be healthy and suggest that they might be light tired on the 20/4 schedule. Last time I had this happen was with a FB Zkittlez so I went to 18/6 from then on. I think it’s normal for them to droop when it’s time for bed. But if they’re drooping early, they’ve had enough.

I’m not suggesting that you run out and change your light schedule. I’d try to water earlier and see what happens. Although I’ve watered later with no bad effects. If that doesn’t solve it, then you might try to get a PAR reading and dial it down and see if it stops.
I did skip watering last night, and did the watering this morning. I'm not gonna enjoy this, I'm a zombie at 4 in the morning :)
Haha yeah I hear that pal I don't sleep much at all recently so zombie feeding is all I do haha worth the shot tho I reckon . Let me know if they continue in the same manner if you do stay changed to morning watering
Update, it seems my watering time was coinciding with them going to sleep early. Which I guess, means I need to do some lighting adjustments.
I would just turn it down a little. Start small. I’ve had the same issue just about every grow. I want to blast them with light and they can only use so much.
If you can monitor them to see when they start to snooze, that’ll give you a good indicator. Try 19/5 and then 18/6 I suppose. You shouldn’t have any issues with the plants by shortening the light schedule. But I wouldn’t want to go to a longer schedule once you go shorter.
I wouldn’t change the schedule. Just turn the light down a little. Maybe start at like 5%. Go from there. Once they’re in flower you can crank it back up.