Dutch Passion "I'm dreaming of a blueberry Xmas" Kush T's 2nd grow.. DP Auto Blueberry DWC under HG LED

Detached house Bruv... So they dont hear...

It's the Bose home cinema in the living room that really can tool on!! It can get the living room windows wobbling when I crank it... :head:

Laters homeboyz.
BB is looking killer Kush :clap: Sweet gear too :smokebuds:
Eh... Not as sweet as yours Rob.. :head:
The trichs have started their march!! :dance2:

Which is always nice... :smokeit:
Alright Kush, and nothin like an almost 40 year old pushin the bose with some Blueberry enhancements, that kind of quality we could only wish for in our early twenties!!!
Alright Kush, and nothin like an almost 40 year old pushin the bose with some Blueberry enhancements, that kind of quality we could only wish for in our early twenties!!!

Yep.... I'm an old fart!! Lol..

Yeah mate... I had f**k all in my twenties... I was a bum... But you can only be a bum for so long bro... There comes a time in every bums life when he has to pull his socks up... Especially when that bum does seems to have expensive tastes & does like to spoil himself... & family..

Thanks for looking in guys.
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im nearly 40 as well mate & used to be a dosser lol...well said mate ! did like this tune a young pal o mine put on FB as hes a up n comin Dj

Kush ... THANKYOU for a excelent thread dude, After screwing up for so long with DWC & seeing your Seymours & INH's ect making it look so easy,it can be a bit disheartening .Then i read this & here you are sayin it how it is...havin a roller coaster grow ect but still doin really well & DPT givin ya beans ... & the back up you got goin on is awesome to see.So i am again inspired to not give up & actually start a journal any day now ratter then lurking in the shadows like i have up to now . I guess i kinda put Seymour Buds & other growers here on an unobtainable pedistool after screwing up for so long & this has really helped me get things in perspective ,so :thumbs:cheers

your babys Looking F**kin gorgeous Kush .. well chuffed for ya mate !.

I know its early days with these genisis nutes but what do you (or anyone else)think so far ? ..that chart seymour put up makes them look really easy to use even for a donkey like me ! ... i may try them if i ever get past seedling stage & actually use up all the canna stuff i still have lol (apart from rhizo ! done in about 10lts of that ha)..:peace:
Wow!! Thanks Viracocha for your kind words man :smokebuds:

Ha ha can't say I make DWC look easy ha ha ha!! No no no... Seymour makes it look easy.. not me.. But I will say this... This yum yum has shown me the potential of growing this way... Shit man.. the girls get BIG!! If you keep them sweet...
Ok I hadn't finished there but touched the screen by accident & it posted... So as I was saying...

As far as the genesis nutes go... I don't really have any experience with them much as yet... My baby mazar seems happy enough at the moment in her genesis res... They are very easy mix up into a res.. No root stim... Nada!!
Im sure you've seen SB's yum yum & sirius.. I think the results speak for themselves.

Ive only just started using them the my baby automazar @ .9ec & but I dropped it to .8 she seemed to like better at that.. Next change I'll try her at 1.0 & she how she goes... If she doesn't like it @ 1.0.. well I'll pull a litre out of the bucket & pour in a litre of plain water & pop her back in... Then check her EC after twenty mins or so... It's seems simple..

Why haven't you got a journal started bro?? Especially if you keep f**king it up..

Are you worried that you'll fail... In front of everybody or something like that?? If you do your being daft mate.. You'll find people to help you on here.. I had never grown ANYTHING in my life up until I started my Think Diff thread... Straight in DWC whey hey!! Who cares if you f**k up.. nobody would be laughing at you bro :toke: get your beans cracked & water bubbling... If I can help I will... SB will help you as well dude... He's right on.. Y'know... But nobody can help without a thread.. All your info... & a picture can say a thousand words man.. So get inspired & let's see what you got Vira..

Tell me what's keep happening with your seedlings dude..
