Outdoor im already for spring


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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i have saved up my freebees over the last few months and i have a few--tell me what s the best to worse---blue venom fem-sour ak fem--2 nebula fem---2 purple haze fem---hypnotic fem-2 northern lights fem--acid fem---whappa fem---sour candy fem---diesel fem----as well as 50 autos-cant wait until spring!!!by spring i will have another 8 or 10 to add to them
Can't help you there... but in the meantime you should make some fem seeds and you'll have a lot more to play with
make fem seed? explain please
Using Colloidal silver spray. You would spray a female plant she will produce pollen sacks you would then pollinate another female in return the seeds will be feminized.
spray whole plant?1 time or many,and a fem plant turns male?
Yup whole plant. The female plant that has been sprayed will produce pollen sacks which then will create female pollen. Use that pollen to pollinate another female and you'll have female seeds. (female+female=female)
I personally haven't done it myself but a few users on this site have with great success.
Check out http://www.autoflower.org/f6/90-females-90-days-1082-14.html post #132. There's also a user on this site that sells the spray for $10 HomegrownRx
Here's his site
If all goes well you can expect anywhere from a few hindered to a thousand or 2 thousand seeds
just found out the q to my answer yes they ship world wide but only hormones.think i might get myself a bottle:D
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