New Grower ILGM❤️ Extreme Autos Pack

Thanks a lot. I’ll be documenting the whole grow. Helps me go back and see what went right/wrong on each grow.
yes i do continuous grow myself its a great idea also nice to meet you bro I'm not sure if I've ever said hi
yeah looks like a confused pollen sack to me pluck it off keep a eye out for more if theres only a few it will be fine a few seeds here or there never hurt anyone if it starts throwing balls everywhere chuck it

:yeahthat: ppp
yes i do continuous grow myself its a great idea also nice to meet you bro I'm not sure if I've ever said hi
Nice to meet you too. I believe you followed my first grow with some good advice. Glad to see you pop up either way.

Is this a herm? It looks like a pollen sac with a pistil to me.
:yeahthat: looks suspect to me too! It's not a typical way to express it, but intersex characteristics can show in some very funky ways!
Room looks great! Question from a newbie: do you always use CalMag in your soil grows? I see a lot of folks on both sides of the fence on the necessity of CalMag. Just curious if that's something you use with every grow?
I do.... I usually give plants that I think will need nutrients a shot of cal/mag at a 1/3 dose around week 3. Then I follow up with a 1/4 strength shot of advanced nutrients ph perfect at week 4. Then spring water until I see signs they are deficient. If they show a deficiency I switch to the 1/4 strength feeds every other watering. My goal is to use as little bottle nutes as possible but have them ready to go if needed
Good deal. Thanks for sharing! I've got 3 ILGM Amnesia Haze Autos going right now myself, about a week behind yours. Good luck!
Cool... I’ll come check it out. Im happy with the plants so far. Fast growers for sure.
Yeah your plants are really humming along it would seem. What kind of light schedule are you using?

I've been running mine at 20/4...but they've been getting really droopy about an hour or so before lights out. They perk up as soon as lights come up, but wondering if they wouldn't prefer an 18/6 schedule.