New Grower ILGM❤️ Extreme Autos Pack

When I started growing a little over a year ago. I started with a ts1000 and a cheap blurple. I grew 4 Barney’s farm autos that turned out great. The biggest plant pulled 9 dry ozs. That harvest paid for everything I have now. I’ve only used the growcraft to flower a few plants. It does a great job. Big dense buds with minimal power. That being said the Mars hydros have grown some of the nicest plants I’ve ever grown. I’m not willing to say ones better than the other. But I will say they both produce beautiful buds.

Super Lemon Haze Finished Under Growcraft

A few Critical Kush Autos Under Mars Hydro/blurple
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Damn bro - got me drooling! :bravo: I'm hoping to do like you did, recoup my initial investment on my first grow, tent, lights, fans filter, all kinda other shit - cost a bundle, - so if my 4 plants in a 3x3 tent (3 gal pots - 315 watt cmh) can give me at least 6 ozs. I'll be happy - if everything is done right,( no stupid stoner mistakes) :rolleyes1: how much could you think I could possibly get per plant, got a couple super skunk and sour diesel?? Your plants looking mighty fine! :peace:
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Damn bro - got me drooling! :bravo: I'm hoping to do like you did, recoup my initial investment on my first grow, tent, lights, fans filter, all kinda other shit - cost a bundle, - so if my 4 plants in a 3x3 tent (3 gal pots - 315 watt cmh) can give me at least 6 ozs. I'll be happy - if everything is done right,( no stupid stoner mistakes) :rolleyes1: how much could you think I could possibly get per plant, got a couple super skunk and sour diesel?? Your plants looking mighty fine! :peace:
Thanks bro. This grows going pretty smoothly. As for how much you get per plant.... that’s somthing I can’t call on my own plants. There are so many variables. Genetics play a big part in yield. But also the quality and strength of your lights. For example, my growcraft is 600 watts from the wall. It claims it can pull 2.5- 3 grams per watt in perfect conditions. So I’ll guess I might pull half that. So I’m hoping for around 900 grams off that light. Will that happen, probably not. But that’s how I guess my yield. I don’t know how much CMH lights pull per watt? But let’s say it’s a gram per watt in perfect conditions. You can expect 150- 315 grams off of that amount of light.
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Looking great for just water and a little cal mag wow! What soil again?
Fox farms happy frog for top 2/3. Ocean Forrest for the bottom 1/3. I presoaked with a compost tea. And I’ve fed them one time with 1/4 strength advanced nutrients. So a little more then just water. But not much.

Started seeing first signs of deficiency. A little purple striping of the main stems. And some brownish orange spots on a few leaves. I’ve only used cal mag at a 1/4 strength ,and fed with advanced nutrients at 1/4 strength one time. I didn’t see any tip burn and they seemed to respond well. Just mixed up a dose of cal/mag and advanced nutrients at 1/3 strength. Ph In was 6.7 run off was the same. I think that feed should get me through week 6.
Finished up week six with another calmag/ water. I’ll start week 7 with a straight ph’d water. I’m thinking they’ll end up needing bottle nutes every other watering. But I’m going to hold off if I can. They just seem really big and slow to flower for autos. I can see them going 12 weeks easily. And I don’t think the soil will last.