Outdoor Idea for a water soure



I cut down a few small trees that were shading my patch this spring, about 6 inches across.Of course they made many new shoots off the stump and I use these for low level cover. We just had a drought bad enough to turn all the feilds yellow and hurt most of the local crops. Yet at my patch the second growth shoots were growing strong, I guess because of the deap root system. My idea is to cut a small tree down about a foot below the surface, then placing a cotton cloth on top of the stump. This would be to keep soil from clogging the capalaries of the tree, then filling the hole with soil and a plant. As the plant draws the water out of the soil, woun't it get replaced by the tree roots? This might work for one season. Any thoughts anyone>You can see Picture 230.jpgthe second growth in the lower right of this pic.
Interesting idea, one I've not heard before. I don't know if it would work or not. I don't know enough about what a given tree draws up through it's roots. Is it just water or does some change take place as it's passed through the trees root system. If you decide to give it a try, be sure and let up know how it works out.
Now that sounds like some serious potential. As Muddy asked if you do this please let us know your findings.
So I think if you cut the tree down that far it's going to kill it, not to mention the tree would heal the wound and quit passing water up to the cotton. I also am really against cutting down trees to do a grow, especially just to get water for one season.

I have a good friend staying with me that's an arborist, I'll ask him how the tree would respond when he gets back from the industry conference.
Thats the thing. The tree does not die! The new shoots come of of the bark. I think it is like when you top a plant, you are just redirecting it's growth.Since they are getting water, maybe so would the other. As for cutting down trees, here where I live trees are a plague for farmers and the stone fences I build. Every sq. inch that has soil and gets sun is thickly filled with vegatation of one kind or the other. I just choose my kind.
Im all for experimentation but how were you gona cut it a foot below the soil? You will end up in the roots & I also think it will heal itself or rot. But id like to see how it works out peace man .
I am thinking cut it off flush then hold the chain saw vertical and core out the stomp. The cambien layer is the only living part of the roots and I would leave it like a sleeve or a pot. Fill this with soil and see what happens.
Be careful man chainsaws are the most dangerous tool you can use & are not made to cut with the front edge of the blade as they kick like hell so I wouldn't advise it. You obviously have no worries about the noise so your spot must be very remote LOL
maybe you'd be better trying something I've heard of and havebeen meaning to try...

basically... take a small cutting (rooted) and drill a hole in a live tree... then plant the cutting and soil and roots in the hole... supposedly the plant spreads roots under the bark in the cambien layer and grows this way.... been meaning to try it but so much going on...
ok guys im no pro but i do know this about tapping root systems ......Grape vines are tapped most of the time through the great MUscadine vine that flourishes America wildly ...Wine crops were devastated in the mid to late 1800s from a bug called phloroxa......a root eating bug......now i dont think cannabis and wine are even in the same family but it does happen for Wine ....the bug cannot eat the MUscadine root system for some reason whether its too hard/bitter whatever it is it doesnt like it .....

a chainsaw and dirt dont mix at all especailly doing stump work ....ull most likely cut uf foot off or ruin a chainsaw not to mention KIckbacks like were mention before ....This will be amazing to see like the Pros said but i cut trees at 1 time in my life for Hurricane Katrina !!!! Chainsaws with the slightest dirt in them usually get ruined ....dunno how trees dust doesnt hurt them but as soon as u get that blade in dirt its a whole new story ....i have seen some foot and knee accidents due to this .......

Good luck and Best of lUck with ur feet .....and the new development of tapping roots if ya succeed .......
100% fact that grapes will do it maybe cannabis will too !!!!!