Live Stoners I was meant to come here first!

I still imagine you'll pull a lot more than me, first of your greenskell... Secondly your doing a photo, thirdly I'm not greenskell... :cheers:

OH photos versus autos with our fairly long veg period is no contest. I promise you bud....what i do isn't magic!! There is a few keys to success to be able to grows plants like myself, and even better!!
I still imagine you'll pull a lot more than me, first of your greenskell... Secondly your doing a photo, thirdly I'm not greenskell... :cheers:

It is true though bud....i have Green in me Veins!! :D
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OH photos versus autos with our fairly long veg period is no contest. I promise you bud....what i do isn't magic!! There is a few keys to success to be able to grows plants like myself, and even better!!
Well I shall take a seat and learn from the green! :bow:
Well I shall take a seat and learn from the green! :bow:

I go friggin nuts when i go to a thread and see my name tagged...the tagging system is very hit and miss...this happens fairly frequently and i apologize. Had I noticed the tag i would have responded.
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I go friggin nuts when i go to a thread and see my name tagged...the tagging system is very hit and miss...this happens fairly frequently and i apologize. Had I go the tag i would have responded.
It's okay mate no worries. It was mentioned that tags don't work that well, it was the same for some others in the thread as well!

Already started looking through the links, very helpful so far! Thank you for putting all this info out there for all of us to benefit from!
About time you introduced yourself lol

Sent from my comfy chair.
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