Live Stoners I was meant to come here first!

Jun 8, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Nothing! Ran out
Hi guys! After around two months of posting and regularly updating a journal on here I have noticed this section... So I guess better late than never!

I've never grown weed before starting my current grow, I've always wanted to but being from the UK I never had space or weather for such activities. But recently made the move to Spain where life just seems a lot more chilled, a hell of a lot sunnier and I think I've had one day of rain in the past 3 months maybe longer! So why not try to grow some of the good stuff?

I came here looking for insight and knowledge and to learn from some of the best to improve my grows for my benefit and also my better half! Who unfortunately suffers majorly from recurring headaches and was diagnosed with Gillian Barre Syndrome (think that's the right spelling) and we have found that smoking weed has stopped her from taking two heavy doses of powerful meds daily, and now only has to take one in the morning. So I decided I wanted to grow my own, knowing that once I got into my stride I could provide her with decent medicine with the knowledge it had been grown to the best of my ability. Also it's good for me because I love smoking weed!

Not here looking for sympathy just for all the knowledge the people on here have, and if they can help me help her then I'd be very happy. As would she I'm sure! And to all those people who have helped us so far, it has been invaluable! It really is a great community here and I see myself staying for quite a while. life permitting...

Anyway feel free to say hi, ask a question, tell me how the weather is where you are, what your holiday plans are... Whatever you want I'm a hairstylist so small talk is part of my profession

And pass the joint around!!
hi and welcome :pass:considered cbd leaning plants ? tinctures seem very effective form of medicating 912GreenSkell has a great thread.we have a great med section to and Root is the lady to talk just a recreational eejit.
keep er lit.
hi and welcome :pass:considered cbd leaning plants ? tinctures seem very effective form of medicating 912GreenSkell has a great thread.we have a great med section to and Root is the lady to talk just a recreational eejit.
keep er lit.
Yeah I have! I was planning for my next run to be CBD strains, that way she has a mixture of different meds, also so that she could possibly toke in the day without getting too high. I would eventually like to be able to make eliquid so she can just keep a pen in her pocket at work. But I don't know whether I would be able to with the smallish grows.

I personally am only a reccy smoker, but I also would like to have the ability to chose a lighter smoke as I just like the smoking for smokings sake! So again points towards growing a CBD strain or two next time around. I'll try finding the appropriate sections you mentioned.

I swear I see that @912GreenSkell name around alot! :smoking:
Yeah I have! I was planning for my next run to be CBD strains, that way she has a mixture of different meds, also so that she could possibly toke in the day without getting too high. I would eventually like to be able to make eliquid so she can just keep a pen in her pocket at work. But I don't know whether I would be able to with the smallish grows.

I personally am only a reccy smoker, but I also would like to have the ability to chose a lighter smoke as I just like the smoking for smokings sake! So again points towards growing a CBD strain or two next time around. I'll try finding the appropriate sections you mentioned.

I swear I see that @912GreenSkell name around alot! :smoking:

Live and die by the leaf!! ;)

Tincture...insane power for tiny amounts of weed used. CBD tincture is just fantastic for medical, and you have a clear head. I take a bunch and work. Great for taking a stress edge off, and really helping for pain control.
Live and die by the leaf!! ;)

Tincture...insane power for tiny amounts of weed used. CBD tincture is just fantastic for medical, and you have a clear head. I take a bunch and work. Great for taking a stress edge off, and really helping for pain control.
Well when you out it like that it would be rude not to try! I'll try find this tincture thread archie mentioned and see what it's all about!
Hi guys! After around two months of posting and regularly updating a journal on here I have noticed this section... So I guess better late than never!

I've never grown weed before starting my current grow, I've always wanted to but being from the UK I never had space or weather for such activities. But recently made the move to Spain where life just seems a lot more chilled, a hell of a lot sunnier and I think I've had one day of rain in the past 3 months maybe longer! So why not try to grow some of the good stuff?

I came here looking for insight and knowledge and to learn from some of the best to improve my grows for my benefit and also my better half! Who unfortunately suffers majorly from recurring headaches and was diagnosed with Gillian Barre Syndrome (think that's the right spelling) and we have found that smoking weed has stopped her from taking two heavy doses of powerful meds daily, and now only has to take one in the morning. So I decided I wanted to grow my own, knowing that once I got into my stride I could provide her with decent medicine with the knowledge it had been grown to the best of my ability. Also it's good for me because I love smoking weed!

Not here looking for sympathy just for all the knowledge the people on here have, and if they can help me help her then I'd be very happy. As would she I'm sure! And to all those people who have helped us so far, it has been invaluable! It really is a great community here and I see myself staying for quite a while. life permitting...

Anyway feel free to say hi, ask a question, tell me how the weather is where you are, what your holiday plans are... Whatever you want I'm a hairstylist so small talk is part of my profession

And pass the joint around!!

Planning on rocking outdoor by the sounds of things??
Planning on rocking outdoor by the sounds of things??
Hell yeah! Just at harvest point of my first grow, one auto jarred, one drying, two finishing off, and two photoperiods waiting for the longer nights all grown on my terrace
Well when you out it like that it would be rude not to try! I'll try find this tincture thread archie mentioned and see what it's all about!

The power of the green dragon is unsurpassed...i grow some pretty fine weed for sure, but the Green Dragon unlocks powerful effects not easily found through toking.
Hell yeah! Just at harvest point of my first grow, one auto jarred, one drying, two finishing off, and two photoperiods waiting for the longer nights all grown on my terrace

I can show you things that will make your outdoor grows staggering.

Start with this one

then an outdoor auto guide

and outdoor photos
Hell yeah! Just at harvest point of my first grow, one auto jarred, one drying, two finishing off, and two photoperiods waiting for the longer nights all grown on my terrace

Congrats on your first harvest!! Hopefully the first of many!!