New Grower I need a ph meter for under $25. Suggestions please?

Awesome that looks cool and you have experience with it. Would I need calibration solution and storing solution?

You should always have calibration solution. I just add a spunch in the lid and some tap water when I store it.

calibration solution is about 1$ for a dose, dont be cheap charlie man :)
To JM: Those also look good. Those are for soil only, correct?

And cool thanks zaQ! What ph solution? I heard I need two different ones.
yeah, get a radpitest for now... 25 bucks... ish

or here's one i havent tried... but looks nice:

the drops are fine and simple...

to test runoff... water till runoff as usual... collect the total runoff and swirl it up good... (to make sure even distribution oh ph)

then collect to your tester vial... add 4-5 drops instead of 3 (color will be stronger but still on) if its still too muddy to see... wait a couple hours and let it settle... make sure to mix drops well with testing solution to insure that the color sticks after settling... hope this helps.

Cool. Well damn. All this info. Seeing that I am short on cash anyway, I could use it for something else and continue with this drop method. I have actually gotten pretty good at it. I will try using your advice and use 4-5 drops and do it that way for now. I might just go ahead and get all the supplies I need for my personal soil-less mix. And I can get all of that in town. I will brew on it for a while guys. SO much thanks to everyone that helped. Couldn't do it without you.
To JM: Those also look good. Those are for soil only, correct?

And cool thanks zaQ! What ph solution? I heard I need two different ones.

You just need PH7. You can buy 1 dosage pack with solution. It has a screw so you can adjust it if the meter reads wrong. I only adjusted mine once in two grows when it read 0.1 to high.
Don't waste your mone on the yellow one they are sold under several different names but there all the same.I had one and could never get it to calibrate with that little screw and finaly it fell out so i through it out.I got a oakton ph2 from amazon for around sixty bucks whitch is the lowest price you should go.The oakton is super with auto calibration auto temp compinsation, auto off.Mine was right on from factory,but you will need a high and low number cal solution for an occasional recal if needed.
Thanks namvet. I bet they work sometimes for some people but you're probably right. Not even worth the headache.
I also use the Hanna Combo that JM posted. Besides pH it also checks ppm which can be useful to check your base water and the strength of your nute solution. I found a jar that's tall enough that I can put an inch of storage solution in the bottom and store it in there. If you don't keep the electrode wet you'll end up replacing it too soon.
Thanks Muddy. As soon as I can I will get that one most likely. I just don't have the rupees for that as of now. I think I'm just going to do my best with the extra advice and tips I got on using the liquid drops I can let it settle, siphon it off and strain it,etc. That will be ok I think. I am about to be making and using my own soil-less mix and will do several tests on that and my nutes in various combinations. That way I can stay on top of my ph as much as possible the whole time without being able to check the runoff and nutrients easily and quickly with a digital pen. Thanks again, Muddy.