Outdoor I know about hydro but the weather is warming up.



Hey guys. Since the weather is getting better I would like to put some autos outside in a couple of weeks. What would be a good grow medium and size of container that I would use for my widow Ryder and short stuff beans?
Hey Steamer, I am new to autos and Have no advise for you other than telling you my plan... I am growing some mi5 and am using a 50-50 mix of foxfams happy frog and ocean forest. I plan on doing 5+ gallon holes and feeding them all the grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom they can handle. But I am not to worried about stealth and want to grow them as large at they will grow, Where I am the only thing I have to worrie about is choppers and autos will be down before they hit the air, You may Have neighbors or what not and have to keep them small, I dont know. Will my plan work? i dont know that either but will start a grow journal once my beans get here for ever one to follow and give me advise along the way.
I have grown outside a few years,but i always start them inside ai a small pot maybe 4inches by four inches and put them out after about 3 weeks This way they will have a nice start and can handle the elements better I dont know where you guys live but make sure the weather is going to stay nice and warm .There almost like tomato plants that just sit there if there to cold.