I cant get a grasp on starting up an organic grow

sorry afn fam.... the reference to the old soil, was just to show how many times, and how long ive been wanting to give this a shot... the state i moved to has 2 hydro shops, in close vicinity... i would/am buy(ing) new soil... just was letting you know how many times, and how long ive read, and tried to prep for organics... and throughout the past 5-6 years have read more, bought more, and got more confused(nervous)... i totally understand both of your statements about the use of old soil... @Proph i read your whole journal, nice pics, nice plants... slow poke even looked good in the end... @WildBill thanks for your information, good stuff... maybe once i get a grasp on organics , i can add these old soils to a base of a big batch of new soil...??? idk but im taking in every piece of info given... thank you all, and stay safe, afn fam!!!!
Lol.. I definitely said that "I" wouldn't use it, "UNLESS" it was stored correctly.... Soil can become anaerobic correct? It can also become too dry correct.. It can be infested with bugs.. The brand's he mentioned, OF, HF, RO, Kind Soil, are all peat moss based... How long does peat moss last, or how long is it good for use? 1-2 yrs max correct? There are several variables at play.. Soil can go bad bro. Im not saying his is bad.. Im just reminding you that it is definitely possible. That's why I worded my response the way I did. I didn't advice him not to use it. I just stated what I would do.. He said that he is having a ruff time understanding how to start an organic grow and the basics of it... I never said it was a waste, lol. And I still would not recommend that someone try to amend their 4 yr old, peat moss based, bagged soil without an understanding of what they are doing, and why they are doing it.
We're all good man! Just like you, I said it from my prospective and what I'd do. :thumbsup:
I forget the level of expertise of some people, like the OP stated. DUH!
I could easily examine the soil and determine if there are any problems with the media to see if it was worth using.
just made it back from "candy store", bought 2 cu ft of malibu compost, and 1cu ft of buildasoil l.o.s 3.0.... @Proph they didnt have the malibu mix living soil... but you and @WildBill have been more than helpful getting me pointed in a direction.... since this would be something like a trial, i only bought 1 bag of soil, hopefully can get 2 autos done out of it... any recommendations for size pots??? fastbuds genetics... im off to read more, but any direct input would be more helpful... again thanks afn fam... looking into a compost bin, maybe diy, and a worm bin diy...
just made it back from "candy store", bought 2 cu ft of malibu compost, and 1cu ft of buildasoil l.o.s 3.0.... @Proph they didnt have the malibu mix living soil... but you and @WildBill have been more than helpful getting me pointed in a direction.... since this would be something like a trial, i only bought 1 bag of soil, hopefully can get 2 autos done out of it... any recommendations for size pots??? fastbuds genetics... im off to read more, but any direct input would be more helpful... again thanks afn fam... looking into a compost bin, maybe diy, and a worm bin diy...
I'm not familiar enough with the composition of what you have to make informed recommendations. I will always add humic acid and biochar(HumiChar by The Andersons company). I have plenty of that micronized product since I use it on my lawn. Depending on how "hot" the media is, I'll add some other nitrogen source to fire up the biology to better utilize that product and a few other things I add. I mix all that in a tote like I'm building a compost pile.....wetting and layering as I build and then mix it all up. I let it cook(heat up) until the temps decline and mix again. I continue until it will no longer heat up above ambient.
As for pot size, I go larger than most here. I feel it's easier to maintain the way I grow. I have 2 7gal an a 15 gal going at this time.
The 3.0 mix from Build a Soil is fully amended and alive out of the bag. It is their most amended mix and will not need anything else added to it. It's meant to be water only. They put 7.5 gallons of soil in their cf, so you could do two 3 gallon pots. Those can be reused over and over. If you want yo do try the no till method, then you would need at minimum a 15gal fabric pot or bed.
@Proph thanks!!! And especially for pointing me over to build a soil, I found a link there about building soil, which came in very helpful... It referenced soil like a rechargeable battery... It only has so much juice, but it can be charged as often as needed to stay maxed out.... So now I'm ready to buy at least 1 more bag of soil, because I wanna try at least 7 gallons a piece for 60 day autos... Ive been trying to read enough to understand all the amending aspects, especially getting my soil good enough to grow more than once without tilling the soil... I may cant get it "true no till" starting off, as newbish as I am... But I believe im gonna be able to pull this off... I'm only doing 2 in soil this go round, because I started 2 in coco Wednesday... Only room for 4 at a time.... Gaining knowledge through a lot of searching and reading has been real slow, raising children and me having ADHD at the same time.... I read/search every chance I get, but still dont think I'm quite ready... I'll make sure to update here, and tag you 2 here and there.... Maybe have questions as well...