I cant get a grasp on starting up an organic grow


who dont like purple??? in da cut on indica!!!
May 16, 2015
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Hello, afn!!!! Been a while since I've posted, I stopped doing autos for a long while... Now I'm wanting to get some started... I ordered lots of fastbuds gear... Running cmh, but looking to change veg area to qb led.... My style now for photos are coco dtw drip system.... With the autos I am wanting to try organics... Been wanting to try organics for a few years,,, I've even bought bags of soil over the years... Ffof, ffhf, roots original, and a bag of local hydro shop stuff.... Never used any, some bags are 4-5 years old, some 3 etc.... I dont know if they are still good or not, even have a few pounds of 4 year old kindsoil.... Anyways I'm back to autos, and back wanting to try organics... I have a 3x3 area, wanting to start doing 3-4 autos at a time perpetually... 1 bean every 3 weeks... 8-9 week strains... Thais plan can, and may vary with numbers... The organic style that I am wanting to do is a no till 3x3 bed.... Ive read, ive looked... And then I get more discouraged about trying the switch to organics... Too many different recipes, saying this recipe is better, that recipe is overkill etc... Etc.... I was hoping someone could shine some light on me, point me in the right direction, or hold my hand and help me jump in head first.... I got lost in reading.... Rols, tols, ss, teas, omg so much... I dont even know the difference any more(thought I did).... Is no till good for indoor autos???? What about grow size??? 3x3 for 3-4 autos??? 3-4 weeks apart in age.... I heard with no till beds are what I need... But mainly find outdoor grows when searching online.... I use megacrop 2 part for photos in coco dtw.... Ive ever only used synthetics.... What about natures living soil on Amazon??? Is no till too advanced for a beginner??? Should I stick with pre mixed like kind soil, or natures living soil on Amazon??? I'm not scared to make my own either... Just ignorant to it...
A 3x3 bed will work fine for not till. I wouldn't feel comfortable using bagged soil that is 4 yrs old, unless it was stored correctly most of that time.. Even then, it's iffy. I followed the build a soil process to start my no till pots. I used the build a soil malibu living soil mix, worms, mulch, cover crop, and nutrient pack to prep the soil. It's water only from there, with a compost tea every few weeks.

Things you definitely need for no till... Mulch or cover crop and a decent top dress.

Here is a link to the site and the info I followed. You can read it all if youd like, (it's good info).. But the instructions Im referring to start under the "how to prepare your soil" section.

@Proph thanx a thousand times... About to check it out now...
@Proph also how long have you been using this style of grow? Have you done any other organic types? Sorry if intrusive....
I've been off of bottled nutes and using the same two 15 gallon no till pots for about a year now. Done several runs in both pots with zero issues. I also use 5-7 gallon pots of recycled/reused soil that I amend after each harvest. I would recommend no till in a 3x3 bed though.. Just makes more sense imo...
@Proph thanx.... And Only considering bed if I pull the trigger on no till.... With the 5-7 gals are you feeding anything besides water?
@Proph thanx.... And Only considering bed if I pull the trigger on no till.... With the 5-7 gals are you feeding anything besides water?
All is use, whether no till or regular pots, is the nutrient pack top dress from Build a Soil ( maybe one top dress at preflower) and compost tea every now and then. My current journal has a seed to harvest, water only auto grow in a 5 gal and a 2.2 gal pot. Have a looksie if youd like. I just chopped both plants today.

A 3x3 bed will work fine for not till. I wouldn't feel comfortable using bagged soil that is 4 yrs old, unless it was stored correctly most of that time.. Even then, it's iffy. I followed the build a soil process to start my no till pots. I used the build a soil malibu living soil mix, worms, mulch, cover crop, and nutrient pack to prep the soil. It's water only from there, with a compost tea every few weeks.

Things you definitely need for no till... Mulch or cover crop and a decent top dress.

Here is a link to the site and the info I followed. You can read it all if youd like, (it's good info).. But the instructions Im referring to start under the "how to prepare your soil" section.

Why would you worry about old bagged soil? Unless it was out where water could get in and possibly get stagnant water sitting in the bag, it could still be used quite easily. What's to "go bad"?s it the best option? No, but it's sure as hell not a waste.
If the bags are a known brand with known ingredients, I'd mix it up in a large enough tote, add good nitrogen source(an organic non-medicated chicken feed DuMOR 16% Poultry Layer Crumbles at Tractor Supply), innoculate with with a commercial bacterial inoculate or homemade compost tea, throw in some Mycos, water with some declorinated water with molasses and let it cook and turn it until it won't heat up any more. Hell, this is how I'd set up my grow media if it was fresh or not with an addition of HumiChar, a 50.50 mix of micronized humic acid and biochar.

I wouldn't have a problem growing anything in a media like that.

It's just no reason to not use old bag soil just because it's old. I just don't like being wasteful! LOL!
Why would you worry about old bagged soil? Unless it was out where water could get in and possibly get stagnant water sitting in the bag, it could still be used quite easily. What's to "go bad"?s it the best option? No, but it's sure as hell not a waste.
If the bags are a known brand with known ingredients, I'd mix it up in a large enough tote, add good nitrogen source(an organic non-medicated chicken feed DuMOR 16% Poultry Layer Crumbles at Tractor Supply), innoculate with with a commercial bacterial inoculate or homemade compost tea, throw in some Mycos, water with some declorinated water with molasses and let it cook and turn it until it won't heat up any more. Hell, this is how I'd set up my grow media if it was fresh or not with an addition of HumiChar, a 50.50 mix of micronized humic acid and biochar.

I wouldn't have a problem growing anything in a media like that.

It's just no reason to not use old bag soil just because it's old. I just don't like being wasteful! LOL!
Lol.. I definitely said that "I" wouldn't use it, "UNLESS" it was stored correctly.... Soil can become anaerobic correct? It can also become too dry correct.. It can be infested with bugs.. The brand's he mentioned, OF, HF, RO, Kind Soil, are all peat moss based... How long does peat moss last, or how long is it good for use? 1-2 yrs max correct? There are several variables at play.. Soil can go bad bro. Im not saying his is bad.. Im just reminding you that it is definitely possible. That's why I worded my response the way I did. I didn't advice him not to use it. I just stated what I would do.. He said that he is having a ruff time understanding how to start an organic grow and the basics of it... I never said it was a waste, lol. And I still would not recommend that someone try to amend their 4 yr old, peat moss based, bagged soil without an understanding of what they are doing, and why they are doing it.