New Grower Hypathetical Gardener - The Perpetual cmh/led log

Left the tent open last night. Woke up to lemon pledge throughout my whole house [emoji23][emoji23]... So glad that og is the stinky one and not ak.

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Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
Left the tent open last night. Woke up to lemon pledge throughout my whole house [emoji23][emoji23]... So glad that og is the stinky one and not ak.

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
Lemon pledge i like it!!! Mine smells like burnt rubber...literally :crying:
Lemon pledge i like it!!! Mine smells like burnt rubber...literally :crying:
Im sorry bud. My last grow was like if a regular flower tried to smell like a strawberry... It didnt smell like any canna id ever had and definately went unnoticed while drying... Like a nice mild potpourii. Im sure the skunky ak will be muchmore... Noticed. [emoji23]

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
She gunna be a stinker!!!
I hope not too strong. I has the neighbors and a cheap $30 filter.
Im just hoping to avoid the inevitable pet skunk so i have an excuse for the house...
Yes i would totally get a pet skunk. What kinda "tree hugging, dirt worshipping, hippie pagan" would i be if i discriminated. What one of my religious, cranky, old man neighbors called me once. [emoji23][emoji23]

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
I hope not too strong. I has the neighbors and a cheap $30 filter.
Im just hoping to avoid the inevitable pet skunk so i have an excuse for the house...
Yes i would totally get a pet skunk. What kinda "tree hugging, dirt worshipping, hippie pagan" would i be if i discriminated. What one of my religious, cranky, old man neighbors called me once. [emoji23][emoji23]

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?

Dirt worshipping? That's a new one......I thought I'd heard just about every "anti hippy" saying over the years......When I was in college[in the South late 60s early 70s] we used to get "dirty, MFing, hippy queer" from old ladies no less! Another big one was "white n-word!"
Dirt worshipping? That's a new one......I thought I'd heard just about every "anti hippy" saying over the years......When I was in college[in the South late 60s early 70s] we used to get "dirty, MFing, hippy queer" from old ladies no less! Another big one was "white n-word!"
Yea. As an openly bi-witch (or pagan) i get a lot of crap here in the bible belt. And my live/let live theology doesnt help with that. My mama heard all of what you said. We laugh about how often they were more right than they thought.

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?