New Grower Hugo's Backyard!

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Thanks Alan!

She is isn't she? Very powerfull yet delicate. Lady bugs and all sorts of other ill animals like her. The strange thing about it is that I live in the city center, so any visit like this is well celebrated with a picture for posterity!

Well celebrated, indeed. I offer free massages and facials to any ladybug that visits my garden, they're few and far between. My happiest NLH has had a mysterious visitor nibbling on her leaves, actually chomping on them as I noticed a few leaves almost totally eaten up. I finally caught it yeterday, turned out to be some kind of hopper, small very green (blending in with the leaf totally). Hope it's only one, will take a picture of him and share, as I captured him and put him in incarcenation.

The spots aren't spreading and the leaves regained their green healthy color after some cal/mag.

Glad to hear that, happy sailing..

Question for you on the NLH, how long do you let them go in flowering. The small one is now officially 40 days into flowering, and I'm planning to lether go another 35-40 days. What do you think?
Show us the bug! :) you giving him any food?

Question for you on the NLH, how long do you let them go in flowering. The small one is now officially 40 days into flowering, and I'm planning to lether go another 35-40 days. What do you think?

I think that's about right! I'd be aiming for 2 1/2 months. Do you have one of this?

I love my pocket microscope :thumbs:
srbg ex (1 of 1).jpgsrbg ex (1 of 1)-4.jpghere's one for the bug collection! luna moth, sitting on my finger. you guys have these in portugal?
first off Hugo...amazing work your doing brotha!!..:bow:..i think that the bugs are drawn to the smell or something of the aBB...mine were the same way bro...them things were like venus fly traps...once the bug landed on was stuck there from all the the sticky trics!...:lol:...that or they just got so stoned off them they couldn't move!...:crying:...:smokebuds:
Show us the bug! :) you giving him any food?

Indeed, he's been offered free accommodations at my six-year old's Bug Motel..

View attachment 116202

You may notice he's been kept on his favorite diet (for now).. :stir:
Here is a sample of the damage he's done..

View attachment 116203

I think that's about right! I'd be aiming for 2 1/2 months. Do you have one of this?

I love my pocket microscope :thumbs:

Here is the one I have, although I must admit I have a hard time with it (operator deficit, not the product's) but I do use it..


I do plan on going by Trichs. As you know, I like "early pickin's", so I most likely (trichs cooperating) will be chopping close to the 72 day mark. Will be sure ya'll approve before I chop.. :bow:
I think that's about right! I'd be aiming for 2 1/2 months.

BTW, here's what it's looking like right now..

View attachment 116207View attachment 116208View attachment 116209

and here she is side-by-side with her older sister, who is the last one to flower in the garden after having been the earliest, most vigorous..

View attachment 116210View attachment 116211

Well, I guess a staggered NLH harvest is not a bad thing. If I can bring them both home, that is.. :help:

first off Hugo...amazing work your doing brotha!!..:bow:..i think that the bugs are drawn to the smell or something of the aBB...mine were the same way bro...them things were like venus fly traps...once the bug landed on was stuck there from all the the sticky trics!...:lol:...that or they just got so stoned off them they couldn't move!...:crying:...:smokebuds:

Thanks! Comming from a great grower it's kinda flattering :thumbs:
Yeah! The aBB terpenes have some attraction effect to all this bugs. I know cannabis uses their oils and scents to keep off potential predators, like deer and cats, but this was another lesson to me. There are, however, a class of bugs that doesn't even seems to mind the trichs or the oils: some kind of green thrip with long legs. Sometimes I catch one before they get away back inside the smaller vegetation :) mind it's not an infestation, one or two only from time to time lol
Indeed, he's been offered free accommodations at my six-year old's Bug Motel..

You may notice he's been kept on his favorite diet (for now).. :stir:
Here is a sample of the damage he's done..

Here is the one I have, although I must admit I have a hard time with it (operator deficit, not the product's) but I do use it..

I do plan on going by Trichs. As you know, I like "early pickin's", so I most likely (trichs cooperating) will be chopping close to the 72 day mark. Will be sure ya'll approve before I chop.. :bow:

I'm glad you caught the bugger, hope he's eating and all, maybe later he'll have a bigger purpose giving some food to a bird's nest :toke:

How do you use your scope? I take a small sample from bud and leaf and analyze both on a flat surface. I can even take some pics if I hold the cam still in the right place. Must agree the USB models seem to have an advantage over this models, but it's still manageable.

Early risers! :D I'll definitely be looking out for your harvest man :toke: ahah! Seriously now, 72 seems about right. This babies take to flowering about the same time a auto takes for life :thumbs:

I wouldn't worry much about bringing them both home! They both have flowered by now which is a little sooner than mine, and they can handle a little moist if that's the case of your winter.

A friend of myne is growing a skunk#1 and she's not flowering yet also.