Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope - Solo Cup Grow

Heres a few pics of the Hubbabubbasmelloscope

Day : 30/31

You can see her bruising in one of those middle pics from when i bent her over (no wisecracks)
Hopefully that helps the outreaching branches to catchup w the main cola on this bitch bc she has shot up a bit since i did that and is still going i believe......trying to bush her up moreso than get her vertical
I was gonna fim her but she threw a top out when i was about to do that and i didnt wanna rip her main colas budsite out of her
Figured id bend her down a bit to slow her up and she wasnt down anytime hardly
Few hours probably total, she pulled herself back up very shes definately healthy and happy thus far......
Hopefully she stays that way.......
Thanks for checkin her out all
Happy Growing All
@mephisto - you guys really do a great job w your genetics i have to say
I am really enjoying this little plant here and think she is really great looking w her big fat indica leaves
The ones on my girl are nice and fat and very sharp looking and lush green
She is just a very sound and overally good looking and growing plant......
Hope you guys keep your quality up
I enjoy growing these genetics and just ordered some deep blue c and chem city blues as well
And i still have like 10 sodk x aliens left from other orders before
I also am growing an sodk x alien in a shotglass as well
I have a grow journal for it.....its under merlins 1st ever shotglass grow......
If u getta chance check in on both of these from time to time and see how she turns always needing another set of eyes and the a creator himself would be great jahaha
But thanks for ur quality
Gonna get some tyrone special2 as well w this order im ab to place i believe
Thanks again
Hope i can do these girls justice
But this one is thriving so far
: )
Happy growing fellas
She looks nice! Could stretch out some for you too.
Keep up the good work and thanks for the kind words above!
She looks sweet mate...:pass:
Merlin im loving this !!! Incredible what are u getting from a cup .... without taking credit to Mephisto ofcourse !

She looks incredible !! Ill be watching this until the end for sure !!

Good work mate ! :greenthumb:
Thanks bro @Birdu2
Appreciate that
Every set of eyes help

Shes doin ok so far.........just gotta stay the course now
She should be done around 2nd week of Jan. id imagine