Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope #4 by Margahooja

OK Hubbabubba, here's what I came up with. My dry stem scrap was 26 grams or .91 ounce. So if I were to use the same calculation as we always figure we lose 75% from wet to dry, then it would have been approximately 104 grams wet or 3.68 ounces of stem weight. Somewhere around 7-8 percent of the original 27+ wet ounces. My brain is taking the weekend off.View attachment 491001

Wow.... thanks for taking the time to figure that out... I guess then you really are smacking it! Excellent ratio.
That's the strain if you're looking for high yield for sure.

You are so absolutely right... screw the numbers... every time I run them... there's always tons of weed hanging around... only strain that happens with... LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!