Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope #4 by Margahooja

How much weight do you think the stems add, maybe 10% or 20%?
OK Hubbabubba, here's what I came up with. My dry stem scrap was 26 grams or .91 ounce. So if I were to use the same calculation as we always figure we lose 75% from wet to dry, then it would have been approximately 104 grams wet or 3.68 ounces of stem weight. Somewhere around 7-8 percent of the original 27+ wet ounces. My brain is taking the weekend off.
Here's the final dry yield results for the HBSS. It took almost 9 days to dry. It is 175 grams or 6.17 ounces. It may have been a couple more grams, I found a nugget on my desk that wasn't weighed.
Dude, that was off of ONE plant?
Yes, the one I grew prior to this HBSS was 5 7/8 ounces. This is a great yielding strain in a 5 gallon pot. Just recently Elsamurai almost got 2 ounces in potato chip bag from his HBSS. Rhyce Saroni had fantastic yields from several he grew. It's really a great strain.
OK Hubbabubba, here's what I came up with. My dry stem scrap was 26 grams or .91 ounce. So if I were to use the same calculation as we always figure we lose 75% from wet to dry, then it would have been approximately 104 grams wet or 3.68 ounces of stem weight. Somewhere around 7-8 percent of the original 27+ wet ounces. My brain is taking the weekend off.View attachment 491001

Thanks Margahooja, I always wondered about stem weight. Sorry about the math making your brain do gymnastics. :biggrin:
Stem weight is less than 10%, on a good grow like yours. That is easy to remember.