Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbabear (Cannabear X Hubbabubbahaze) freebie grow

Trying to work out how old this girl is- technically coming into Week 10 but we lost about 3 weeks to her reluctance to grow. Well into flower now and following the biobizz flowering regime. 4ml Grow, 3ml Bloom, 1m Top Max, 4ml Heaven, 4ml Activera. Adding a little cal mag too and the plant overall looks healthier albeit with some shocking looking leaves and overall quite gnarly.

No Evolution foliar now as she is too far into flower, but she will get the Biosys tea on Sunday evening. She's done stretching and she got tall but the Pink Panamas with her have really gotten taller- she is looking like she will fatten up more than them- they look a bit stringy.
Still trying to dial in the lights a bit and pretty sure some of the issues have been light but also realised that my ph pen is on the fritz so not sure what ph i have been adding at. New one purchased, not worried about flushing or anything as i think my estimation with the Ph down won't have been far off but now i can get it precise.

Temps are good, 26 in the day, 19 to 20 at night so acceptable. Rh is 50 ish most of the time which in think is fine. Taken a few leaves off the bottom and the horrible looking ones. Structure is nice and i think light is getting to a lot of the sites- very different to the Pink Panamas which are dense as and will need some sorting out if i am gonna avoid all fluff.


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And lessons learned.... check your ph meter. I had recalibrated mine but it was still not right. Just dirt accumulated i think but i have been watering at some crazy low ph's as a result. Also my Biobizz Grow had 'turned' i only noticed as i was running out and had a new bottle- the smell is completely different. All the mollasses smell was gone. It wasn't that old. Better to buy the smaller bottles regularly for a small grow i think

So far the issues with this grow- nearly all of my own making-
Seedling that never wanted to get going
Light burn- must keep a better eye on lights when the stretch happening
Ph meter on the fritz- low ph. Should check with buffer more regularly
Cal mag issue (possibly made worse by the ph meter but also i think from reading a Biobizz thing)
Iron deficiency- possibly combination of the above leading to lock out but i need to think about micronutrients a bit in future

I do like Biobizz but i think i might try an alternative next time to see if i can avoid some of the issues- possibly Plant Magic as the Evolution foliar seems to really suit the plants.
Well into bloom now so pushing through to the later few weeks of the standard biobizz schedule - so upping the top max and bloom.

Sunday was biosys tea. Since then 2 plus litres of feed every couple days. She is drinking pretty quick. Lovely scent forming. Sweet and she’s getting sticky. Full range of biobizz at 3 to4 ml of grow bloom acti vera heaven and a smidge of cal mag and some top max.The yellowing has backed off and I have removed the gnarly leaves. @stan_mephisto we might make it....

Have backed off the lights a little as I think the Vivid Hlg is just more powerful than I thought. Possibly under lit now but I want to get this one to final fruit. Concerned about mould as this has been an issue fir me before. So this weekend will be all about air movement.



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More of the same-
Bio bizz full range- Grow, Bloom, Top Max, Heaven, Activera plus cal mag at prevention level.
Starting to thicken up a bit more now - she didn't get a biosys tea tonight, mixed my days up, No more evolution foliar now.
Its going to be all about nursing her to her best. She has moved under a kingbrite cos i am still worried about dialling in the Vivid- plus it is warmer in the new tent. Hopefully not a bad move at this stage. I am going to juggle lights around tomorrow then she might move back
She's not picture perfect but bearing in mind the journey i am happy to get here. She smells delightful- you definitely get the hubbabubba heritage.


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She smells so good!
Finally feel like i am getting the environment sorted. So she looks a little scrappy still but buds getting plumper and there are plenty of them. Day temp could be up a few degrees i Doubt i will break any yield records. This week the whole family are getting some rest- my other plants have been having some issues so everyone is getting molasses as a treat and it didn't feel fair to leave the hubbabubbabear out. The scent is just soooooo sweet and sticky, its getting me excited. This is how the smell feels-

Especially compared to the Pink Panama that is behind her which is odourless. Will be back to the biobizz routine at the end of the week.

Excitement mounts.... we are seeing some signs of the end game. Not exactly by the book but this week has been all about sugar-- molasses in the feed, sugar on the buds and that sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet aroma. @stan_mephisto i am really looking forward to fruits of my (your!) labour.

Temp steady at 28 all day, 19 min night but usually early 20s
Focus on airflow- the tent is full and the plants are too. Mould has been a problem for me before and defol is next on my learning game but not this time. After all the stress of having me as their Dad, they just get a few leaves taken away. Nothing drastic
No food this week- all the plants have stuttered so stayed on the molasses. Back to feed from tomorrow.
Just letting them do as they will really. Good times, only good times, no stress.


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Nice grow friend. I believe this is the first hubbabear I have seen grown to harvest. Let us know how she smokes.
Nice grow friend. I believe this is the first hubbabear I have seen grown to harvest. Let us know how she smokes.
Thanks- will do. She has been very forgiving- slow start but now really chunking and bounced back from all my idiocy. Sickly sweet smell in the best possible way. I am super excited to see how the cbd combo works. Some of her will end up in tinctures and hopeful that they will be good for friends with various medical needs.
Live fast...
Colours changing. The end is nigh. Think max two weeks left. What to do... just chill? When to flush? Whether to flush? And the rising worry about dry and cure... Here she is with her gang in their tiny tent. Tough little beasts


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