Humboldt Seed Organization HSO Sugar Breath & OGKZ

Looking on point my friend and great to see an organic approach :pass:

The OGKZ will be perfect topped just as you have done and it will be super cool seeing our Sugar Breath being grown Au natural :thumbsup:

Will you be doing and training brother? If so on both or just the OGKZ?

Until next time :bong:

Kind regards

Thanks mark, I gave them a compost tea today. I picked up the home brew 6 pack from to try out. So let's see what that does.
And as far as training I'll probably do a little lst in flower to open them up but I want to see how they do with not so much of me training them to see what they are capable of before I go crazy on them.:rofl:
I'll get some pics of them this weekend:thumbsup:
Thanks mark, I gave them a compost tea today. I picked up the home brew 6 pack from to try out. So let's see what that does.
And as far as training I'll probably do a little lst in flower to open them up but I want to see how they do with not so much of me training them to see what they are capable of before I go crazy on them.:rofl:
I'll get some pics of them this weekend:thumbsup:

Sounds like a solid plan brother and I'll look out for the next picture update :bong:

Letting them grow natural will be super cool to see, as you said a slight bit of LST maybe needed in bloom to open that canopy up :pass:

I'll drop back in on the next update mate :thumbsup:

Kind regards

girls are dong wonderful and loving the organic life:greenthumb:
lets look at the Humboldt Seed Organization [HASHTAG]#ogkz[/HASHTAG]
her topping went very well and we now have an even canopy
Now onto The Humboldt Seed Organization [HASHTAG]#Sugarbreath[/HASHTAG]
im doing some leaf tucking to encourage her side branching

OGKZ has responded very well to the topping brother and has evened out the canopy which will help with light penetration and distribution :thumbsup:

Sugar Breath being left to grow out more natural but most definitely benefiting from the leaf tucking which is also allowing more light to those lower sites :thumbsup:

2 strains and 2 techs being used, very cool to see @tripaholic88 We selected a good tester in you my friend. Your doing a smashing job :bong:

Kind regards

OGKZ has responded very well to the topping brother and has evened out the canopy which will help with light penetration and distribution :thumbsup:

Sugar Breath being left to grow out more natural but most definitely benefiting from the leaf tucking which is also allowing more light to those lower sites :thumbsup:

2 strains and 2 techs being used, very cool to see @tripaholic88 We selected a good tester in you my friend. Your doing a smashing job :bong:

Kind regards

hey mark, yeah im really happy with the OGKZ and her topping. im continuing to tuck leaves of the sugar breath also. thank you again for the opportunity my friend:toke:
here are some pics.

1st up OGKZ

Sugar Breath
hey mark, yeah im really happy with the OGKZ and her topping. im continuing to tuck leaves of the sugar breath also. thank you again for the opportunity my friend:toke:
here are some pics.

1st up OGKZ
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Sugar Breath
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Now I remember why I picked you :pass:

You rely do document your diarues well my friend, some beautiful pictures and plants look a picture of health :pass:

Keep the training and tucking up buddy, it's clearly working :thumbsup:

What day are you on now mate @tripaholic88 ?

Kind regards

Now I remember why I picked you :pass:

You rely do document your diaries well my friend, some beautiful pictures and plants look a picture of health :pass:

Keep the training and tucking up buddy, it's clearly working :thumbsup:

What day are you on now mate @tripaholic88 ?

Kind regards

Thanks Mark, Humboldt Seed Organization's genetics and myself seem to do well together:thumbsup: they are on day 59 in the new pics, i transplanted them 1 last time into 5 gal fabric pots last week and have taken 2 clones off of each tonight so i can put them into flower.i will top dress them before flower and also give them an AACT.:growing:

On HSO's site it reccomends a longer veg for both strains, do you think mine are ready?( i think the OGKZ may need a little more time?) i couldnt find exactly how much they stretch in flower.
sorry for the quick pics but i havent had much extra time lately. ill get them out next time


Sugar Breath
She was just waking up

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Thanks Mark, Humboldt Seed Organization's genetics and myself seem to do well together:thumbsup: they are on day 59 in the new pics, i transplanted them 1 last time into 5 gal fabric pots last week and have taken 2 clones off of each tonight so i can put them into flower.i will top dress them before flower and also give them an AACT.:growing:

On HSO's site it reccomends a longer veg for both strains, do you think mine are ready?( i think the OGKZ may need a little more time?) i couldnt find exactly how much they stretch in flower.
sorry for the quick pics but i havent had much extra time lately. ill get them out next time

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Sugar Breath
She was just waking up

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Maybe 1 more week of veg buddy then I would flip that switch and get the flower show underway :thumbsup:

I've just seen in Instagram that you won a signed pack of "The New" by Sherbinski :pass:our latest collaboration which will have its worldwide launch this coming week. They are available exclusively via Attitude until we launch :thumbsup:

It does look like we make a good team my friend and congratulations on the win. A great keepsake prize :bong:

Until next time buddy :bighug:

Kind regards

Maybe 1 more week of veg buddy then I would flip that switch and get the flower show underway :thumbsup:
I've just seen in Instagram that you won a signed pack of "The New" by Sherbinski :pass:our latest collaboration which will have its worldwide launch this coming week. They are available exclusively via Attitude until we launch :thumbsup:
It does look like we make a good team my friend and congratulations on the win. A great keepsake prize :bong:
Until next time buddy :bighug:
Kind regards
ok a week sounds good, plus i ended up taking off the Sugar Breaths Head so now she will have 2 main colas.( i was afraid of her getting too tall for my tent in flower and being too close to my lights.

and about the signed pack I am BEYOND excited that i won!:woohoo1::woohoo: i never win anything :rofl: I almost dont wanna open the pack but you know i just have to see what Gems are inside that:rofl::thumbsup: I will probably document that one once i get a chance to run i. Im currently looking for some Sativa's for my Photoperoid selection. I recently lost my Chocolope cut ive had for a while now.:shrug: