Lighting (HS1) Auto Euphoria 55 Litre DWC

Hey Grim bud, hope you're well, just popping by to say hello, hope things get rolling for ya soon enough! :pass:
Hey Dazed.
How are you buddy? Thanks for the kind words.
sorry to read about your set back. cant wait to see this thing get off the ground, gonna be one for the books :cheers:
Hi Bolio
Thanks man.
Sorry to hear about your troubles dude. Not knowing what the seedling looked like, is it possible it died due to "damping off" the fungus that attacks the stem and makes the seedling topple over?

It's the 4th picture from the top.
I have seen that before alright but from the looks of it im fairly sure it wasnt damping off.
Thanks man.
Week: 4 - Day: 25


Finally I managed to get a young plant into this bucket.
This seedling was started under HPS and is currently under HPS until i sort another LED.
I had to use my second unit for the Hubbasmelloscope specimen as she has gotten quite a size.


Il start LST this week in order to keep the plant shorter giving her more vertical space for when she bursts into fast growth in flower later.


The roots are coming along just fine now with some staining occurring from use of the Bactor.

This Weeks Feed:

Base Nutrients:
  • Advanced Nutrients - Sensi Grow A+B
Nutrient Additives:
  • CANNA - Zym
  • CANNA - Mono Calcium
  • CANNA - Mono Magnesium
  • Grotek - Silicon
Beneficial Additives:
  • TNC - Bactor
Nutrient Solution:
  • PH: 5.8
  • EC:1.0 ( 1.6)
  • Temp: 20 C


  • Lights On: 26-27 C
  • Lights OFF: 22-23 C
  • RH%: 40-50%
Bro, if you want your plant to be shorter - just lower your lights, keep it i'd say in 30cm from tops. This will make your plant more bushy and shorter. LST new branches only.
Now about bactor: man, why you are using soil bacteria in hydro? That brown stuff is dead bodies of your bacteria. You must to clean everything now, take sprinkler and clean the roots, all reservoir and change the nutes. That dead mass may cause you serious problems...
Also read about symbiosis basics and michorizae stuff.
Also one more thing - million bottles wo'nt make any miracle. You must EXACTLY KNOW what you're using.
Do not be mad at me bro, im just trying to help you to find a way in hydro, which is really good option.
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Bro, if you want your plant to be shorter - just lower your lights, keep it i'd say in 30cm from tops. This will make your plant more bushy and shorter. LST new branches only.
Now about bactor: man, why you are using soil bacteria in hydro? That brown stuff is dead bodies of your bacteria. You must to clean everything now, take sprinkler and clean the roots, all reservoir and change the nutes. That dead mass may cause you serious problems...
Also read about symbiosis basics and michorizae stuff.
Also one more thing - million bottles wo'nt make any miracle. You must EXACTLY KNOW what you're using.
Do not be mad at me bro, im just trying to help you to find a way in hydro, which is really good option.
Hi Marmir
Thanks for your comments but I know my set up and equipment quite well and your advice is sorely wrong.
Even with keeping the lights low i have found in the past that the plants still manage to get quite tall.
I also have quite a bit of experience when it comes to LST and i would not recommend the LST advice that you offered.
If you had read my thread properly you would have realized that the TNC BActor is for Hydro purposes only and not for soil.
That brown stuff is the residue that is left from the bacteria once it has established itself into the root zone.
I know all about myco and again if you had read m y thread properly you would have seen that i added that quite some time ago.
Believe me dude i have put hours of research and experience into the nutrients and products that i use and i know each one works exactly how i need it to.
I honestly dont appreciate your comments maybe you should do a bit of research yourself before you open your mouth.
Oh man, i did not mean to offend you surely, but agrobacterias are for soil only... It is symbiosis basics, man. I will not speak any more here, but your plant shows clearly, that you do not know what you are doing. Also you do not need to be such offensive man. Be open to knowledge.. Good luck...
Oh man, i did not mean to offend you surely, but agrobacterias are for soil only... It is symbiosis basics, man. I will not speak any more here, but your plant shows clearly, that you do not know what you are doing. Also you do not need to be such offensive man. Be open to knowledge.. Good luck...

Hay bro, can see you are trying to help and have the best intentions but Grim is one of the top growers on AFN, just search for some of his past journals. He knows his set-up and gets killer results :)