Grim Reefer
Week 14 - Day: 96
Auto Euphoria was given a flush before this weeks nutrient change in order to rid the DWC bucket of any salt build ups. Using CANNA's flushing Agent, simply named Flush. The auto-flower swam in the soloution with water for over 24 hours before being cleansed with plain water. That was then drained to allow the nutrient soloution to be administered.
Last weeks Phosphorus and Potassium deficiency looks to be stopped in its tracks as the strength of the base feed was brought up by EC: 0.2. Changed out the CANNA Mono Calcium and Mono Magnesium for a one bottle Cal/Mg supplement called Magi -Cal as the local store hadn't any CANNA products in stock. This is why the back round EC has lowered from last weeks EC while the true EC reading has increased.

Due to the high humidity as of late this plant received a brief misting over the pre-mature buds of Hydro-Garden Bud Rot Stop. It is 100% organic and contains more beneficial bacteria like the the ones found in the Super Tea. It is the most effective and cost effective way of preventing botrytis.

The roots still smell exactly like a soil growing medium which seems bazaar but its sure sign of a healthy Rhizosphere. Pictures of the roots will be taken at harvest as it is impossible to do so now because of the tie downs.
Over all she has kept her colour and vigor well and most of her fan leaves are still intact and healthy. Only loosing a few to lack of light which bodes well for two HS1 units considering the shear size of this specimen.
A happy and healthy plant if ever there was one.

Almost two weeks ago the massive growth spurt came to a stop.
Just like the growth spurt phase she is taking her time to develop and mature.
Auto Euphoria is to be chopped in 2-3 weeks.

Each day the flowers grow denser as they get older and mature.
With just over 50% of the flowers pistils turning amber now and the rest gaining some pace.

As the bud begins to mature you cant help but notice some of the other parts of the plant which were lacking behind an awful amount.

The THC crystals were checked using a jewelers loupe at 60x.
Trichomes are roughly 80% clear with about 20% or less turning milky.

Still cant figure out the smell just yet. It almost smells of sweet nectar with a brisk but sharp minty undertone.
On a side note this beast is currently drinking a ridiculous 31 litres of water weekly.
This Weeks Feed:
Base Nutrients:
- Advanced Nutrients - Connoisseur Bloom B
- Advanced Nutrients - Bud Factor X
- CANNA - Boost
- CANNA - Zym
- CANNA - Trace Elements
- Grotek - Silicon
- Evoponic - Magi-Cal
- Super Anti - Root Rot Tea
- PH: 5.8
- EC: 1.0 ( 2.0)
- Temp: 20 C
- Lights On: 24-25 C
- Lights O
: 19-20 C
- RH%: 60-70%
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