Outdoor how to protect outdoor grow from rabbits?



Well i just went to my spot to see my three plants had been eaten is there anyway to protect them except for chicken wire from these pests or is chicken wire my only choice? ive tried plastic bottles but it looks like they've dug under it and ate the roots. Looks like im ordering more seed from the tude.
I think chicken wire is the only help.Make sure it is high enough and if there digging up the roots im not sure they are rabbits. You can stop the digging by putting the fence around the base of the plant about two inches below the soil and a couple feet in diameter from the plant.
Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent. Been using it for 4 years now and nothing has bothered my plants.
I know it sounds gross, But piss all over your site man. Also if you have long enough hair you can use some of it on the surrounding areas to ward off animals. I have long hair and I string it all over the bushes & trees in my grow area. Do this everytime you go check & you won't have any probs. At least it has always worked for me. I do use little chicken wire cages I built for the first few weeks as an added precaution. I use bent metal spikes about a foot into the ground to hold them down:) Hope this helps.

Keep it smoking!