How to properly produce Feminized Autoflowering Seeds?

Hey Wwonka, just wanted to know is it okay to use a normal spray bottle for the colloidal silver? Or do I need a UV or Lightproof spray bottle? IF I do need one, where can I get it? Also, what tool did you use to collect the pollen? Thanks

$20 on Amazon. I used it and it works great. I still have 90% of the bottle and I have enough seeds for quite awhile.
Depending on how much of a Mom you pollinate you can end up with a few seeds or a few hundred.

I flipped a Blackberry gum from seed stockers and then pollinated 3 different plants. 1 was another Blackberry gum, 1 was a Mephisto SODK and the last was a Mephisto Northern cheese haze. I got 30-40 seeds from each plant along with 50 from the plant I flipped. it also produced flowers and she self pollinated.
I have had a 90% germ rate on my seeds. My best advice would be to start the plant you want to flip at least 1 month if not 2 before the rest of your crop otherwise your plants will be over ripe to get the seeds to where they are viable.

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Colloidal Silver Solution, 50 PPM,
It can be done in 1 tent.
Hey Wwonka, just wanted to know is it okay to use a normal spray bottle for the colloidal silver? Or do I need a UV or Lightproof spray bottle? IF I do need one, where can I get it? Also, what tool did you use to collect the pollen? Thanks
I actually bought a spray bottle at dollar tree and just used the top and screwed it onto the CS bottle.

I just took some of the pollen sacs off and cut em open with a razor blade but I just did open pollination but after I did I tried to remove all the pollen sacs and then sprayed the flipped plant with water every day for a week or so once pollination was done.

Not very scientific but it worked for me.
Okay good to know. From what I can gather it seems better to do 1 run for collecting pollen and after that's done in the same tent do the 2nd run for producing seeds. It'll take longer but then you'll produce enough pollen to fully pollenate a bunch of seeds and the left over pollen can be saved for future use. Please correct me if I'm wrong but doing it at the same time sounds difficult because you need to get your timing perfect.
It can be done in 1 tent.

I actually bought a spray bottle at dollar tree and just used the top and screwed it onto the CS bottle.

I just took some of the pollen sacs off and cut em open with a razor blade but I just did open pollination but after I did I tried to remove all the pollen sacs and then sprayed the flipped plant with water every day for a week or so once pollination was done.

Not very scientific but it worked for me.
Just an update and question.

So I started spraying a female C4 Matic Autoflowering strain by Fast Buds twice a day for 2 days with CS. It's at day 32 and it takes 65 days to harvest, is the plant too far along? Because I just found out that on it says to start spraying an autoflower at day 20. If it is too far along to produce pollen, can I still use the Cannabis to smoke or eat if I stop spraying ASAP? Thanks again for all your help guys!

Welcome to AFN! I'm glad you are finding useful information! The process of reversing a female plant is the same for both photos and autos. There are different ways to do it. You have to find the one that works best for you. Some people use colliadal silver.. Some use STS. There are journals on here that have step by step instructions for both. I use STS. Here is a link to the journal I made for STS. You can also use the search box and type in "reversal" and it should pull up a few journals as well.

$20 on Amazon. I used it and it works great. I still have 90% of the bottle and I have enough seeds for quite awhile.
Depending on how much of a Mom you pollinate you can end up with a few seeds or a few hundred.

I flipped a Blackberry gum from seed stockers and then pollinated 3 different plants. 1 was another Blackberry gum, 1 was a Mephisto SODK and the last was a Mephisto Northern cheese haze. I got 30-40 seeds from each plant along with 50 from the plant I flipped. it also produced flowers and she self pollinated.
I have had a 90% germ rate on my seeds. My best advice would be to start the plant you want to flip at least 1 month if not 2 before the rest of your crop otherwise your plants will be over ripe to get the seeds to where they are viable.

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Colloidal Silver Solution, 50 PPM,
Hey folks.

Have just started using CS on one of my photos (just a couple days so far)

What I understand and therefore dictates my actions:

A female plant can still make it to harvest if CS is used on a single branch without issue.

Plants treated with CS can also pollinate itself if care is not taken to remove pollen.

Once pollen forming sacs appear it ISN'T ready: it needs time to mature (and pods to open) - to combat this I'm going to wait until the pods are a little developed but not open. Then once formed cut the whole branch and remove from tent to avoid pollination and drop the cut into media you use (I got coco) as if a clone. This will allow pollen sacs to continue to mature away from plant.
(Alternativly a clear plastic bag over the branch (closed with a tie or elastic band) you spray will contain any CS and avoid contamination)

Pollen can be frozen.

Autos behave same as photos (# of day is not needed - just works better if you spray 'before' flower sites form. (So i wouod chance from day 20-40)

Cross pollination works BUT can introduce a slight increase in 'Hermies' in seeds created.

Am using on Godberry ATM, though I have a BB#3 which I'm going to cross with zkittlez for my own stash: hoping High thc & super sweet flavour.
Good luck.

It SHOULD go without saying, but don't smoke ANY bud that has CS sprayed on it, but by separating a single, lower branch I can keep girl for smoke, and cut single branch as I need to.
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Hey, I thought you might find this useful Jimmy.

"How to Store Feminized Pollen: Moisture is your main enemy when storing pollen. It can help to double the mass of the pollen collected by adding regular cooking flour. This absorbs moisture during storage and as an added bonus, it will make application easier when you get to pollinating. If you triple-bag the pollen-flour mixture and stick it in the freezer (with a good nametag so you know where the pollen came from), your pollen can be stored for a year or longer" -
Cheers @Shuman9 , forgot about the flour.. Which also acts by padding out your pollen (only need a few flecks of P to induce seeds on flowers)
Hope it all helps someone.