New Grower How to plan for outdoor growing of an Automazar?

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash
I have been promissed a spot in a greenhouse.

I want to grow an Automazar there.

Can you help me with the following questions:

1. I am at 55 degrees North. At what (nigth) temperature is safe to keep the plant outside?
2. Should I germinate and grow it inside before transfer to greenhouse? I run a tent w. CFL 250W, 18/6. If Yes; for how long shoud I pre-cultivate her inside?
3. What is appropriate volume of soil for an automazar under greenhouse condition?

Have I forgot to ask about something important, brothers Experts?
Good luck! I'm also running automazar for the first time. I plan on starting in a tent and transfer in the 2nd half of may outside. Probably start germinating this weekend. I would say at least 5 litre pot
I was thinking of using a 10 L air pot. I will have 2 more inside in the tent.

I have both 10 and 6 L air pots.
I'm only going to chime in on what I know about so ......

I wouldn't put an auto outdoors unless I could keep the root system above 65 at night. I'm sure some have went lower and may work like 60 or so but it's gonna slow them down imo.

I would run 5 gallon pots. If your outdoors space is no constraint I would want to maximize her and a 5 gal will let ypu do this and cut down on the frequency they will need to be watered.

And also you have forgotten about potential pest..... EVERYTHING on the planet loves weed. If there are bugs they will find it lol. I suggest checking out SIERRA NATURAL SCIENCE. They make 100% safe organic pesticides that work and are very affordable. It'll save your ass if the insects try and lay claim to your plant
I'm only going to chime in on what I know about so ......

I wouldn't put an auto outdoors unless I could keep the root system above 65 at night. I'm sure some have went lower and may work like 60 or so but it's gonna slow them down imo.

I would run 5 gallon pots. If your outdoors space is no constraint I would want to maximize her and a 5 gal will let ypu do this and cut down on the frequency they will need to be watered.

And also you have forgotten about potential pest..... EVERYTHING on the planet loves weed. If there are bugs they will find it lol. I suggest checking out SIERRA NATURAL SCIENCE. They make 100% safe organic pesticides that work and are very affordable. It'll save your ass if the insects try and lay claim to your plant

Thank you so much! You just canceled my idea. It will probably not work. :kissass:
Don't cancel it just yet I'm not speaking from experience only general what I've seen around. I know a great guy to refer to

@trailanimal has some cooler than most growing conditions and he did very well. Maybe he can help
I'll try. At 66.5 N the greenhouse is all I've had the balls for, so far, but going to try moving a couple, in pots, from the greenhouse outdoors. Got some ideas how to do this, hopefully with success, put it to the test see what happens. Back to the greenhouse, known territory. I usually suggest folks check out the local gardeners to find the planting dates for warm weather vegies, safe bet for outdoor seeding; definitely can fudge on this for greenhouse, if night is still and cold close up greenhouse, no worries. If, like me, you live in an environment where vegie gardens don't exist, then you wing it. If you have lived at the site for a few seasons you already have a good idea when. I seed in greenhouse, monitor day and night temps, greenhouse is probably giving you a 10 degree hedge. So, when your outdoor night time temps are above freezing you should be good to go. Remember when you move them out it is colder at night outside the greenhouse,lol. I use 3 gal smart pots, in greenhouse larger strains grow at least 40", and smaller strains top about 30". 80-90 days for harvest. Of course this my growing environment and set-up. Outdoor/greenhouse plants take longer. Indoor growers strive to achieve those mythical "optimum conditions" with their finely developed skill of control. Outside conditions are always in flux. Forgot to mention, while germing and at seedling stage I cover greenhouse with 40% shade cloth. Learned the hard way, cooked half my seeds the first year, lol. Plant Very shallow and keep misting, great germ rate for me. If you have cloudy conditions don't need the shade cloth. Up here the sun is intense, thinner atmosphere at the poles, and usually very sunny at this time.
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hope that answers some, if you want to chat, rattle me cage
I too have insects, they usually show up when plants are already well established. And in come the predators: wasps, spiders, little birds, dragonflies, love to watch'em disarticulate and suck juice. Also, I inspect plants and squash bugs when I find. Healthy plants is the first line of defense.
In my case, I think the plant will probably be infested with all kinds of bugs. Our friend has cleaned the greenhouse. It is located in villa garden. It will be sourrounded by veges inside and froit treas outside.